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'How long has it been since you slept?' Emma asked, realizing she had fallen asleep waiting for him the night before.

'Days,' Prince admitted.

'Okay, that helps, because your question wasn't making sense. Where would I go? Why would I go? Don't answer, just come with me.'

Emma led him to the bathroom, filled the tub, added the bath salts and bubbles to make the water more luxurious, and asked him to get in with her. This time she sat behind him, and washed him with long, soothing strokes, using the lavender body wash he loved. Little by little she felt the tension leave him, as she gave him the feeling of being cared for he was obviously craving.

'Okay, now I'll answer your questions,' Emma said. 'This is where I want to be. You are who I want to be with.'

'Who is 'you'? Prince the international icon, or this wreck here with you now?'

'The guy I'm holding now, no facade, no lights, no smoke, no entourage. This is who I want to be with. This is who has my heart. Fear not, you've got me if you want me.'

Emma felt Prince tense his body again. A long sigh came sliding out, as he asked, 'Why?'

'Hmmm. Let me make sure I say exactly what I mean. Hear me now-you saw me as desirable when I thought that part of my life was over. You make me laugh, and you think I'm funny. We like many of the same things. You can beat me at ping pong. We both have a terrible sweet tooth. You fear God as I do. You're a handsome, sexy guy, even now with no makeup on and wet hair.'

'I'm glad you recognize,' Prince turned his head toward Emma and smirked over his shoulder.
Emma smirked right back, and continued.

'You believe in Music. You believe in Justice. You don't care what color my skin is. Your heart speaks to my heart, even when we aren't saying words. At this point, I can't imagine a life without you in it. That about sums it up.'

'Okay, but you didn't say you loved me.'

'Are those the words you need to hear?', Emma replied in a soft voice. It broke Emma's heart that he sounded so unsure of himself.

'Because truly, everything I just said explains why I love you. That guy you turn into on stage is very cool. I love watching him perform, His music has spoken to me like no other for years. But the guy I'm here with right now, the one who constantly has amazing music pouring out of him night and day, the guy with the continual sweet tooth, the guy that likes to make me blush, that's who I love. I love YOU.'

Prince moved to the other end of the tub. 'Say it again, I need to see your face.'

'I, Emma Cartwright Leal,' Emma said, putting her hand over her heart, 'love you, Prince Rogers Nelson,' she finished, placing her other hand over his heart. 'More every day. My turn to ask you a question. What brought this on? I thought we were okay.'

Prince pulled Emma to him across the tub, settling his arms around her. 'As you know, I said I was burned twice in different ways. I ended a relationship that was doomed to failure a few months before we met, and I thought I was going to turn into some sort of celibate rock musician, which sounds like an oxymoron.' Emma giggled at the thought of a celibate Prince after the time they'd shared together.

Prince smirked at Emma, and continued. 'Remember, it had been years since I'd been intimate with a woman the way I've been intimate with you. I just never felt like it was the right time, or the right partner.' Prince's gaze drifted away from Emma as he began talking about uncomfortable, vulnerable feelings.

'I've started feeling for you more deeply than I've ever felt for anyone, and it scared me. Then I began thinking about how awful it would be if you didn't feel the same way, if you were just stringing me along like other women have done in my past. By the time I came to wake you, I couldn't hear any music in my head, only questions running around and around. No music at all. That scared me to death. Music is the only thing that's never left me.' Prince absently rubbed one hand up and down Emma's arm, watching the water ebb and flow as his hand went in and out of the bubbles.

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