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They rushed in, Emma calling Prince's name as she ran to his side. He raised his head, and Emma sank to the ground at his feet. She was visibly shaking with tears in her eyes, and asked him, 'Hon, are you ok?'

Prince pulled Emma into his lap, and looked over her head to Kirk, puzzled, as he answered. 'Yes, I'm okay.' He motioned Kirk out of the room with a thumbs up, and tilted Emma's head up from his shoulder, where she had snuggled in, inhaling his unique scent that brought her so much comfort.

'Are you okay?' he asked.

'Not really. Remember that nightmare that woke me up in Switzerland? I had it again, and when I woke up, I finally remembered the dream. When I couldn't find you, I guess I panicked. Kirk was kind enough to bring me here as quickly as he did. When I saw you slumped over, I was so afraid my intuition was right, and I had lost you.'

'So in this dream I was dead?' Prince pulled Emma closer to him.

'Yes, I've had the same nightmare multiple times over the last two years. I never figured it all out until tonight. In the nightmare I was reliving having to take clothing to the funeral home for Gene after the accident. I was back in that room, and everything looked the same, but when they pulled the sheet back, it wasn't Gene's body lying on the table, it was yours.'

'Oh, sugar, I'm so sorry you had to do that when you lost Gene. I can see why that is a recurring nightmare.'

'Yeah, it was pretty awful.' Emma drew a shuddering breath. 'I think tonight was the first time I had thought about the fact that I could lose you, too. That thought had me terrified. Do you remember what you said in your toast at the rehearsal dinner? 'If nothing else good happens in my life, it won't matter, because I'll get to look at you every day for the rest of my life, and that is more than enough for me?' I want that so much. I just realized again that nothing is promised.' Emma stopped talking and hugged Prince tightly. 'So, what have you been working on tonight?'

'My insecurities. I had a conversation today with Marti, and she told me more about Gene. He sounded like someone I'll never measure up to.'

'Oh, darlin', you heard the version of my marriage that a child experienced. You know as well as I do that no one knows what goes on in a marriage except the people in that marriage. Gene had many fine qualities, but there were issues, just like any marriage. There were lots of things that weren't perfect about our marriage, but after a while I just quit pushing, because he would just push back twice as hard. I'm sure if you had asked Gene, he would have had his own list.

'The biggest difference between the two of you is that you act on your ideas, and work until they're completed. Take this combination honeymoon/family reunion, for instance. You decided you wanted get to know my family better, and took the steps to make sure it happened. I might have heard Gene say that this would be a good idea, but if it was going to really happen, I would have to do it. Does that make any sense?'

'Yeah, it does. I guess the thing that bothered me the most was hearing Marti talk about your career as a musician. I don't think I realized how much you we're giving up by marrying me. Dillon alluded to it, but not strongly enough for me to get the whole picture.'

'Do you remember me saying in my toast at the rehearsal dinner that my future seemed barren? In May I resigned from my singing and children's choir jobs. I stayed on one year after retiring from teaching, because I thought I'd still want to be involved at church. But Gene and I had put off so many plans for years, intending to travel and other things after I retired from teaching. Those plans died with Gene, so I decided to free myself from everything and see what I was called to do next. Then the trip, and you, happened, and I had my answer.

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