You're Gonna Go Far Kid

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My hand quivered as I watched the life drained from his eyes, the gray took one last look at me and cracked a smile," You bastard..You' sorry yo-" He was silenced by the bullet that sliced through his ear. The owner of the Browning 1922 stowed it back into his long tailed trench coat," It was time for him to shut up." The young man was older than me but chuckled as he pat my shoulder,' First job down kid. Not bad. You're in."

I lowered my Browning and tried to steady my hands as my knuckles turned white. This was my new life. This was the way it was. Us or them, and I sure as hell wasn't going down without a fight. "Blake stay with me kid," I looked over to see my partner picking up the newly killed guy," open up that furnace, then grab his legs and help me." I scrambled tucking my pistol into the back of my pants. Hastily doing as I was told, we heaved the body into the fiery mouth of flame. The embers floating out drifted out along with the smothering stench of burning flesh. I grabbed my nose and looked over to the guy I was with. Irvin Nightingale stood by me with is hand over his nose and hazel eyes squint as we watched as the flames began their feast. His brown trench coat split in the back and met his white button up in the front. His pants and boots where splattered with blood from the struggle the victim put up earlier, but now here we stood, still alive. "Come on Blake, they will go looking for him soon. We need to get out of here." Irvin shoved his hands into his pockets and strode up the stairs with me trailing after him.

The ally we traveled down seemed to slither throughout the city as far as the cobble stone could crawl. Eventually we found the hotel we were looking for, a three story building that had maroon bricks and a thin silver roof. It's windows where half cracked, with curtains streaming through the air. The water draining from the roof trickled off the roofing in little black mossy streams. The air wafted the smell of wine and cheep perfume out of the hotel. I smiled to myself, It was almost odd how familiar this place was getting to me.

Irvin brought me not to the front of the hotel, but to the cellar. Unhinging the wooden doors, He held it open for me slip into. Ducking my head I did my best to guide us down the stone stairs in the dark, the only bit of light we were allowed was the faint outline of a door. Irvin knocked on the door loudly, behind it we could hear a dull roar of a small crowd along with music. A slit in the door slid back, we saw brown eyes looking us over as a feminine voice asked," How is a raven like a writing desk?" Irvin blinked in surprise," Wha-? That not the question! Hazel open the damn door." "How do I know you're not with the fuzz? Answer the question." "You changed the question while I was out! Hazel you know it's me." Irving protested as he gave the secret knock. I could hear hazel getting a little chuckle out of giving us a hard time. The lock clicked open and the red headed girl let us in. she had on an aviator's hat and bronze tinted goggles. Her corset laced up and neatly tucked under her over coat looked like she had been tinkering again. her leg mechanical tinked along as she locked the door and pointed over to the bar across the room, "Charles said he would like to talk with you guys after you came back, you better go check with him."

Irvin yawned and looked at his watch," At least now we can have a good drink to top off the night." I gave a small grimace remembering the lug we just iced, I was having whiskey tonight for sure. I looked up at the dimly glowing chandler over our heads, the flames in it danced to the voice of the woman on stage as she swooned the crowd with the microphone. I looked over to her; her lovely teal evening gown flowed with her smooth movements. Her voice lulled in her audience as her stunning blue eyes raked over the crowed, they were trapped in her grip. Her pixie like face was mature, but just as beautiful as any woman younger than her. Miss Aven Montgomery was on her throne and pleasing every ear in the hall. She was what people came to see, of course Charles and Rosaline could dish out some of the best forbidden drinks, but we all knew Miss Aven was what they came back for.

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