Bending The Order

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She threw the police files down on her desk, leaning back in her chair she wiped her face. Her sleep deprived eyes fixed on the ceiling as her hair strung down, a exhausted exhale exited her chest. The latest case just completed, another bad guy off the streets and in the custody of the Order. She felt the triangle over her heart, she could feel the purple etchings of the badge as she traced her fingers over it, another victory for the Order at her own hand, she smiled to herself only to have it faultier.

There was rasping at the door that snapped her demeanor back into place," Come in!" She called. The door swung open reveling a shorter woman in her early twenties, her cheeks cherried from the victory sips she must have found," Another job well done Paulina!! Another drug lord in custody, now on to the next case!" She laughed as she leaned against the door for support. Paulina took her partner by the arm and closed the door to her office hissing," Damn it Piper, look at you, are you out of your mind drinking at the office?!" Piper sat down in Paulina's chair, folding her hands and slipped one leg behind the other," Oh now what could you possibly be talking about?" Paulina crossed her arms with her brow furrowed," your face is as red as a broad's lipstick." Piper felt her face and just shook her head," Don't be such a killjoy! A little bit of Panther's sweat won't get me into trouble." "Piper. Dose the word Prohibition ring any bells?" She pinched the brow of her nose. "Hey, look everybody is just having a little to celebrate your case, come on. It's fine. It's from the Captain's personal stash, he poured it himself! You need to seriously cut back, I know this case was probably one of your hardest." Piper watched Paulina closely trying to word her next phrase carefully. "I'm just trying to do my best to clean up the city. We can't have these low life's running the place." Paulina walked to the window the over looked the city, she put herself at ease, but only her stance changed. Her heart twanged for the city, but she silently sighed causing the window to fog.

Piper watched as her partner brooded out the window, she bit her lip and closed her eyes," the Captain ordered the rest of day off for the both of us, but you by name." Paulina turned back to the intruder in her chair, "what." Piper was silent as she looked away then sheepishly back at her partner," Captain knows how hard you have been working-" "Crime never rests!" "BUT PEOPLE DO!!" Piper was at her feet now, her stare unfaltering and piercing through Paulina's argument," Look at you Paulina! Those dark circles under your eyes have been there all week now, I haven't seen you go home in three days, "she motioned to Paulina's desk which had multiple coffee mugs and pots," when was the last day you didn't have to drink a lot of coffee at minimum to say awake?"

Paulina blinked trying to remember, she was impressed with Piper's ever watching eye then again any good detective should always pay attention. "I was so close to finding where John B. Jaune ran off to, I couldn't just take breaks!" She yawned as she tried to defend herself. "And you took him out! And everybody here is proud of you to say the least, but you have been pushing yourself too far and now it's time to rest. Come on I know the perfect place for us to go to help you unwind." Pausing slightly before taking the bait, Paulina nodded her surrender.

Walking down the city street later that night Paulina and Piper had eaten their fill at the Copper Magnolia. Paulina was starting to feel her energy returning as Piper's buzz wore off. The street light turned the wet cobble stones a fiery copper as the moonlight climbed the higher walls. Some trees lined the streets, and Paulina could tell she was close to her apartment in the nicer part of town. Piper turned the Corner with no warning and kept walking like the path had never changed. "Piper!" Paulina asked as her friend got farther," I think you made a wrong turn? I live off this street." " you aren't going home just yet." Piper said with a sly smile. We need to find something to help take your mind off work." Paulina smiled a bit, assuming they would go to a dance hall. After all Piper was one of the best swingers she had ever seen.

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