The Box

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I flexed my fingers feeling every muscle in my arm as I did, I really have to say Zydrainum sure dose do wonders for the body. I looked out my window watching the sun starting to drop behind the city scape. My stomach curled, a meeting had been called tonight before we opened. Turns out those bottles we found at the junk yard had been Tybolt's after all on account of Tybolt's runners never came back from their run. Tybolt had told us about how him and Simon had scouted the route and found skid marks leading into the forest. Upon further inspection they found the two runners in shallow graves under one of the bridges. I couldn't say I knew the two unlucky guys, the most contact I had with them was taking a few shots one night when I was still in newbie training, but I couldn't help but morn for the fellas. Tybolt on the other hand... he had disappeared most of the days since we found out. That little stunt had cost the family majorly in money, and if I knew the brawny boozehound he was out there trying to make up for lost ground. I sighed and grabbed my hat, left my coat on the chair by the window, made sure my gun was holstered as I turned off the lights.

Walking into the bar down stairs I saw Chuck doing his best to get back to work, he had healed the fastest out of the three of us, but I could tell by the way he was stacking glasses and taking longer looks at bottles that he still was not 100% back quite yet. However Rose was nowhere to be found, and judging on how strong the coffee smelled I bet Lynn had made the pot this time.

Lynn leaned over the counter sharing caffeine and nicotine with Spencer. Spencer was all done up with their gray bowtie and nice vest completed by a neat high collared trench coat that highlighted the bowtie properly. Spencer had a pointed face with rounded cheeks full of charm, their darkened hair neatly combed over to the left. Eyes of an exhausted spirit masked to look like they were full of energy. Seeing the filled ash tray between the two of them I quickly made out the darkened rings under their eyes. I felt Lynn's eyes flicker to me as she quickly glanced over my arm and shoulder," Evening Blake. How are you feeling?" Spencer took a drag from a cigarette and exhaled slowly with a point to my arm," Madam Zeliony must have done a number on him. That arm looks good as new." I gave my arm a small flex for them," It's nothing special, but it'll do." I gave a small assuring smile. "You just got back out of the infirmary, but how do you feel about a low-key mission? Just an escort really, nothing too much." I felt my back striating at the call of opportunity," Of course. What do you have in mind?" "Well see Spencer here needs to go on a run, meet somebody you know? Just... after Rose we need to make sure we don't open ourselves up to more opportunities for the Hawks to peck at us. Just need you to tag along for safety is all. Can you do that son?" she glanced back at me with eyebrows lifted slightly. "Yes ma'am, of course." I spat out as quickly as I could. "Good on you. Then set your watch to meet me around 7 A.M. and we'll do breakfast." Spencer raised a cup of coffee to me. "Until then... Do me a favor Blake. Make sure Chuck doesn't get behind in his orders. You might ask him to... show you the ropes tonight while Rose is out." Lynn told me as she gave a glance over to Charles. "Yes ma'am, no problem." I gave a nod excited to learn some tricks of the bar.

The rest of the night I kept Charles company at the bar. He taught me most of the basic drinks to make and some of the differences between some of the liquors. The place was a tad slow, but then again, the place had slowed down for a couple of days after that fight... though that didn't seem to stop Miss Aven and her Bone daddies. Just the sound of her voice can nearly silence the who place when she starts singing, even Charles slows his pace down a bit to match the music. I stood polishing the bar as I watched her performance. That is until customers started ordering more. Scanning the place to make sure everybody had been satisfied, I still found it amazing how many people came to see Miss Aven sing. Sure the performances mirrored others, but that never took away the fact of how Enhancing the music seems.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2017 ⏰

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