Hawk's Nest

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I couldn't help but feel knots in my stomach as we all sat at the bar waiting for Aven and Lynn to return from their interrogation. Everybody had splashed some whisky on their wounds and might have had a shot to settle their nerves. But nobody dared more than another drop though, well except Tybolt, but as it is we all knew as soon as the women returned we would be on our way of a rescue mission. I heard Tybolt exhale heavily from a cigarette. Looking over I saw Chalrles's hands folded deep in thought, he had a faint red to his face and I could almost see him shaking as his eye glared straight ahead. Knowing him he was probably adding numbers of outcomes or something of that nature. I sneaked a glance at Irvin who had been sitting right next to me; his head was in his hands rubbing through his hair. In the mirror behind the bar I caught sight of Aiyn, silently pacing back and forth completely lost in thought. Hazel was at the other end of the bar taking long drags from her cigarette while lighting napkins on fire, holding them carefully in her hand as she hypnotized herself as they enveloped in flame. Carter had merged with the wall taking on the form of a shadow he watched the others in the room carefully as if another one of us would just go missing. I sighed and felt the bandage on my head, I couldn't help but hear Ayin's words echo in my head," Constant vigilance." I felt my hip for my pistol, at the moment I could not thing of a reason to remove the tool from my person at any moment. After Ms. Aven and Ms. Lynn took Catcall, we all went to go retrieve our weapons, after that Madame Viv got us all bandaged up. Now we all were waiting, like a worried family outside of an operation room.

"Tch." The sound was so subtle it made all of us turn our heads to see Hazel still playing with her fire," And to think after all that racket, Spencer is still asleep." The joke sliced through the tension, I saw a couple of smiles and even heard Charles attempt a chuckle. "Sometimes I envy them. They could probably sleep through the rapture," Charles looked around with a sly tone," though I don't think they would miss us much, all of you bastards will still be here waiting for them." That got a couple of chuckles from the group and I couldn't help but smile myself. "At least one thing is for sure," Tybolt lit up another cigarette and pointed across the bar at every one of us," Hell is going to be a lot more fun with you assholes." There were nods of agreement and raises of empty glasses. " At least hell will be warm for you guys," Madame Viv piped up," Hell for me is said to be breezy." As morbid as the jokes were I couldn't help but laugh. It had to be like four in the morning, we just got the surprise attack of the month, and we couldn't have any more alcohol to numb it all down. The laughs were needed.

There was a click at the door as it opened and Ms. Aven and Lynn entered into the dance hall. I watched them closely, they both still seemed so cold and walked like murder was the only thing on their mind. Ms. Aven seemed to have gotten the hem of her evening gown wet a bit. Lynn was wiping her hands on a rag, which was now stained red. Everybody was quietly waiting for them to near the bar. Lynn threw the rag behind the bar and took out two cigarettes for herself and Aven. Hazel let the two light over her burning napkin bonfire.

We waited for the ladies to take a couple of draws before we started bombarding them. Lynn exhaled through her nose and looked up at everybody," She is in the Westside junk yard. Supposedly the Hawks have her." "The Hawks? I thought we disbanded them a long time ago?" Irvin rubbed his chin in thought. "Yeah!" Tybolt interjected," It was one of the first missions we took together. Lynn drove us, Irvin protected the rear, and I blew up one of their cars with a motive cocktail! Was a damn good night." "Yeah I know, but it seems some punk kid has revamped the mafia and has come to town to play. So we need to send them packing just like we did already." Lynn watched the smoke from the end of her cigarette and looked across at everybody," The hard part is who is going to do just that."

"Well I'd like to see somebody stop me." Charles growled as his organic eye traced over the room. "If there is a fight, I'm defiantly going." Simon grinned and mumbled about a knee cap collection under his breath. "I think it would be best for me to go as well." Ayin nodded to us as he rejoined us. "I'm out," Viv pored herself a drink," I mean its super important that people go, but we need people to stay back and watch things while all of our force is out." "I agree," Irvin put his hands together and gazed at Lynn," I think I should stay behind and play Operator. I'm faster at it than you and if I can tap in and guide you guys better." Lynn Nodded in agreement, I knew Irvin was the main Operator but was that really a fair trade? Irvin was a much better shot than Lynn. "I'm staying." Carter chimed in," If anything happens we need a good brawler here. And I think it's best if Aven stays too." Aven shook her head at the comment," What? No! I'm going! I'm just as good of a fighter." "You'd be one more pretty ransom. If they get you, one we are out of another family member, two if they caught you what would be the first thing they slice?, and three let's face it this place would tank without your voice." Viv hit the group hard with her bluntness, never the less, she wasn't wrong. Aven crossed her arms, she couldn't deny that bit of fact, and I could see a faint blush from the last reason," Fine, now is not the time to argue anyways." "Hazel we are going to need you." Lynn nodded to her. "Hazel added another napkin to the fire again and added with a smirk," You guys just like me for my Booms." Tybolt set down a glass heavily," well hell I guess I got nothing better to do. Might as well smash in some faces." He let out a hearty laugh that Simon understood and nodded in agreement. "Blake," Lynn caught my eye," This won't be like anything you have seen before. We will be most likely out numbered. They shoot to kill. It's understandable if you want to stay back on this one." I felt my collar get hot from everybody staring at me, but who did she thing she was kidding? I gave a small smirk," This Is Rosaline we are talking about. Of course I'm going. Nobody messes with my family." I could see everybody's approval. Lynn smirked, she had already knew my answer," Well then, I think it's time we go pay the Hawks a visit."

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