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I could hear voices overhead, at first, they seemed panicked, then eventually they calmed down and got quiet. I wasn't complaining though, I was tired and waned to sleep. There was a pain on my shoulder and my arm on my left side. My right shoulder was fine but I could feel my forearm hurt. I blinked at dull lights above me; I sat up slowly realizing why I was in pain. I recalled the gunshot wound and the bite... I looked around for a sign of anybody. I found myself in a type of infirmary, though it was lit with just a few gas lanterns. There was a faint scent wafting through the air that I could not put my finger on. A fire burned in a stone fireplace as a pot hung over the fire boiling. Around the walls was storage shelves filled with little jars. I looked to my right and saw Rosaline and Charles laying on cots beside me.

I heard a disturbance in the room and tilted my head to the side. There was a new woman entering the room, a long deep purple shawl draped over her shoulders, with little silver and obsidian beads hanging from it. Her long hair tided back by a lighter purple headband that tied on the side and trailed down to her shoulder. The sleeves to her blouse were rolled up as if she had been working her black boots had no shine to them as they clicked across the wooden floor. I caught her eye and she gave me a small smile," Ah you are awake now? Good. We were wondering when you would return." Her voice was soothing, almost motherly, low and calm just like her smile. "Am I back at the Mone?" My voice was horse when I tried to speak, I cleared it feeling how dry my throat was. To my left was a table, a crystal pitcher was filled to the brim with water with cups beside it. I shifted in my cot, sitting up though came with a price. The pain shred through my shoulder and down my back. I grit my teeth just as a sound of my peril came from my mouth. She just shook her head at me," Do you even remember why you are here?" I looked back at her remembering the scrap with the Hawks. Yeah, I knew those dogs had gotten hold of me, but I didn't think I was all that bad off. "looks like you need another dose of Zydranium." Taking the pitcher from the stand she handed me what looked like a whiskey glass from the bar, she poured the water for me and I gulped it down faster than Tybalt takes his vodka. The cool of the water soothed my throat enough to bait my voice back," Sorry, Zydranium? What is that?"

She smiled wickedly at me, her voice lowly curling around my ear," A special little brew that will cure your ailments child." She silently left my side and flowed through the room to in front of the fireplace. She took a wooden box off the shelf above the fire place. "Sounds too good to be true, miss." I chuckled, then again with her get up It made me wonder what she was capable of. She took what looked like a small little gun from the box and a small vile that glowed blue. She turned to me, " hold still child." She loaded the gun with the blue vile. At the site of the gun I was on my feet," WHOA WHOA!" I held up my hand having second thoughts of my situation. What if I wasn't even at the Mone? What if I was at the Hawk's hide out still? Why was I the only one up? I backed up more from her. "You need to get back into bed child, your wounds are too bad for you to be up." She came closer, her act was convincing but my gut told me to run. "Stay back!!" I bellowed, there was no way she was getting anywhere near me with that thing in her hand. I had just made it to the door way when I heard somebody coming in. I readied myself for a fight, if I had to take a hostage this would be my chance.

Into the room Lynn marched in," what is going on in here?!" her gaze latched on to me. Sheepishly I lowered my fists, but quickly wrapped around to her side. "Lynn, thank god you're here, who is this?!" She looked at me to the darker lady," Madam Zielony, are you harassing our young friend?" the lady let out a chuckle," No, no Lynn, He woke up before I could give him another dose of Zydranium. You know how intimidating it looks the first time." She held up the gun with a small smirk as she flicked the gun to clear the air bubbles from the needle. Lynn chuckled, my ears caught a trace of nervousness in her laugh, "You'll be fine Blake, just let her take care of you. You are safe in her care." I glanced at Lynn, my eyes widened a bit, and my face felt tighter. She coldly locked me out of her mind, but I could tell she was just as uncomfortable as I was with the Zydranium gun out. My silent plea going ignored, she thanked Madam Zielony for her efforts, again we locked eyes," You'll feel much better after the injection Blake. It... "She looked the other way towards her escape route," Isn't so bad." "Yes child, Is not so bad, now on you go Lynn." Madam Zielony nodded to me and closed the door as Lynn stiffly walked out the door. I felt a hand on my shoulder," Come lay down child, Your strength fades fast."

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