Rose and A Rat

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The faint grey light in the room flickered making the shadows dance in the corners of the small room. My head was pounding and my mouth was dry as I coughed; only making my headache worse. I lifted my head, the room was suffocating small with a bare wooden table in the corner. I could see the light over my head sway as the bulb flickered down on me. My heart shrank as I realized the dank brick room was my prison. I tried to move my arms, but found they were tied tightly to the back of my chair along with my abdomen. My ankles were tied to a separate leg of the chair preventing any movement as I struggled against them. My heart was racing as I recalled the last bit of what had happened, they had stuffed me into a car with a gun to my head. I remembered I tried to escape anyways and then there was a sharp pain to the back of my head. That was it. Fear gripped my heart and I felt the sweat roll down my neck as I prayed the family had noticed I was missing by now. I remember trying to scream to them but nobody could have heard me over the fight.

I heard laughter coming from outside the only door in the room. I hear the lock twist in it's socket as the heavy door creaked open I saw two men slip through. The outside light blinded my eyes as I squinted at them tiring to see their faces. I could hear one chuckle," There's our little flower." He purred at the sight of me. He walked close enough for me to see his greasy hair and his sunken in eyes, he had a crooked nose as his beady eyes examined me. I felt the need to cover myself as I shrank back from him. "Now now little one," He cooed as he gently stoked my cheek," We aren't here to hurt you...Much. It won't hurt as long as you cooperate with us. Understand?" he walked behind me and never hesitated as he cupped my breasts from behind, softly chuckling in my ear. I tried to hold my tongue as I felt my body tense, I held back a gag from the fowl stench of cabbage and onion that wafted off his breath.

" Now be a good little girly and just tell us what your name is will you?" He came around and tilted my chin up to his to that he forced me to make eye contact. I grit my teeth, 'Don't give him your true name.' I could almost hear Lynn echoing in my head. I hesitated as my eyes flickered back up to him," Martha." As soon as the name left my lips I was automatically hit by his fist in my cheek. I could feel the tears build up in my eyes as I felt my cheek redden. "I said your name brat. Don't you try to bullshit me. Ill beat you so hard your 'family' won't even recognize you. Now, let's try again, shall we? What is your name?" He leaned down to hear my next answer.

I coughed as the pain swelled in my face, the strike would obviously leave a bruise. My head hung with my hair doing long down as I heard myself breath," Martha." I felt his grimy hand grip the back of my hair and pull it back in a wad so I could glare at him. I was met with a hard backhand to the same cheek he had wounded. I choked out a whimper and felt the pain pulse harder. He chuckled at the sound of my pain. His hand found his way down to my breasts and felt one with a sneer," girly how about we do each other a favor? You tell me your name and I'll let you up. Then you can get down on your knees for me and show me what else your mouth is good for." I locked eyes with him," my mouth can do plenty, watch!" With that my mouth shot out the last of my saliva. It hit the bridge of his nose and sprayed across his face. He gave a grunt of disgust and with an upper hook to my jaw he sent me backwards. The chair met the floor harshly. The echo of my pain was bounced off the walls of the small room. I laid there; small tears had been forced into my eyes and threatened to spill. I fought them back; this Ass was not going to see me cry. I had to be strong like Tybolt. I was part of the Omertà. And I had gotten there with my own past and troubles too. I was just as strong. I was just as cunning. I felt my fists ball up under the chair, there was no way in hell I was going to crack, not to this sleazy pervert.

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