Chapter Three:

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   She puts her hand over her mouth again and I'm really confused. Then somebody says something. "Lana, come on. We're going to be late for our meet and greet." We look up and see Josh Dallas standing there.
   "Lana, who's this?"
   "This is Kristia, she's going to come to the meet and greet with us," then she turns to me. "If that's ok with you."
   "Yeah, it's fine with me." Josh jumps off the stage too and walks over to me.
"Hi Kristia, I'm Josh Dallas. Although, you already knew that." He reaches for my hand and I shake it. While waking to the rest of the cast I start to freak out a little bit. I'm about to meet the cast of Once Upon A Time (emphasis on 'the').
We walk backstage and everyone looks over and has a confused look on their face. Sean walks up to us and asks, "Lana, who's this beautiful young lady?" I know that he means that in a nice way and not a flirty way. Sean Maguire just called me beautiful,. What just happened?!
"Everybody, this is Kristia. She's going to be hanging out with us for the rest of the day" We look at each other and I know by the look on her face that she can tell that I'm excited.
On the way over to the meet and greet, I'm kind of quiet. Why did Lana start tearing up when she saw my necklace, and why am I staying with them for the rest of the day? Wait, is she my mom?!

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