My Promise To You

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Mexico City. 1992. 

              As Olivia fernandes stepped out of the bus, she inhaled deeply and swallowed hard. Then clutching her duffel bag, she glanced around at the big city where she'll start her life anew. 

Leaving home was a big step for her, it was a spur of the moment thing and she's sure it'll help her forget about the past. She was an only child, and as displeased as her mother might be, Olivia knew it was the right thing to do. 

            Ever since her father had died seven years ago, she and her mother had struggled to forge ahead even though the family's income was meager. Her mother was uneducated so it was hard to find a decent job. She'd sent Olivia to school for the sake of the family's future. 

         Olivia blew up the opportunity when she got herself pregnant by a man she thought she would spend the rest of her life with. It happened so fast that she thought it was an illusion but it wasn't and she's reminded of that mistake each time she looked upon her daughter. There had been nothing but lies behind that promise of love. 

If she hadn't been so gullible, she would have known from the start that the bastard was married with children. After throwing caution to the wind, all she ever thought of was him?being with him, growing old with him. But it wasn't her he carried in his heart; it wasn't her he wanted to grow old with. To him, she was more like a holiday fling, a kept woman whom he could turn to whenever he had problems with his wife. 

            Her mother never found anything wrong with the relationship, she simply approved of him because she thought he was the right man for her daughter. 

Olivia grew up hearing stories about the city and had only seen it in her imagination; right now, seeing all the tall buildings and street lights, it was a dream come true for her. 

She's here in the city not because she wanted to see the father of her daughter but because she wanted to live her dream of becoming a successful designer?one of the best in Mexico 

She'd been waiting almost an hour and no one has come to get her and what's more, she had no cellphone. Eric had told her that in case he was unable to make it to her, his brother would fetch her instead. 

Eric had been a brother and a friend to her, she never heard from him ever since he left Veracruz to Mexico City until now, now that he's helping her star all over again. 

         ''where could he be.'' She muttered impatiently. 

And there he was in the crowd, waving and calling out her name. Relief swept over her when she saw him and a smile slowly crawled to her lips as she waited. He raced from where he was to her. 

        ''Olivia look at you!'' excitement registered on his face. And his arms flew around her as he drew her in an embrace. 

        ''what took you so long?'' 

          ''sorry, you know pepino had to go on an important errand and my shift ended just now.'' He explained. 

          ''whatever. You're here now, so let's go.'' 

He took her bag with one hand and the other; he circled her shoulders as he led her down the busy street.

         It's been a year since Lorenzo de la Cruz had died, now staring down at her two beautiful daughters, victoria de la Cruz found she can now let go off her grief. Her only regret was that he didn't get to see his twin daughters being brought into the world; he would've been a good father to them as he was a good husband to her. 

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