chapter four

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            ''I think i have feelings for you.'' Raimundo dropped with little or no regrets at all. All he wanted was her affection. But would she be able to give him that? 

         This confession didn't shake Eva at all she'd known it would resolve to this eventually. She'd been out of the hospital two weeks ago and all the while receiving flowers and gifts from Raimundo which he sends through his friend carlos. Even though he knew that she's in love with Andres, he still continued to pursue her. 

        ''did you hear what I said Eva? Will you marry me?'' now this is too much. 

        He's got status, looks and every other thing a woman wants in a man but her heart belonged to someone else. She shook her head and he dreaded what she'd say. 

       ''I'm sorry Raimundo, I don't love you.'' He'd been prepared enough to know that this was going to happen but he just couldn't accept it until he's heard it; and oh, how he much it hurts.

       Olivia had a feeling that everything was going faster than she'd ever imagined. She could feel her heart trying to tell her something?as if she hadn't learned anything yet after first failed relationship. Her heart had somersaulted the same way with Roberto and look where it got her. 

      And from the looks of things, she figured that isn't as guarded as she'd thought it was. Now there are side talks and bedroom talks about the way Manuel looks at her. She made her way into the sitting room with her skirt swishing all the way. Her heart began another jingle the moment she spotted him on the sofa with his legs crossed reading a newspaper. It was a good thing the newspaper shielded his face cause she didn't think she could contain his stare, given her current state. 

       But that didn't stop her heart from continuing to thump across her chest or her hands from being shaky with nervousness. 

She dropped the tray in a loud clang. 

That got his attention and he jerked up his head just in time to see her skitting away. He glanced down at the glass of wine then a smirk appeared on his face.

       Eva brisked her way into the house as soon as Andres pulled the door open. 

      ''I've been trying to call you.'' She blurted. ''where were you all day?'' 

     ''uh, I was busy. Eva why are you here?'' 

     ''what do you mean? Why do you think I came here?'' she asked puzzled. 

     ''Eva.'' She waited. ''there's something I have to tell you.'' 

She heard a ruffling sound coming from the bedroom, she regarded it with curiosity. 

     ''what's that, do you have someone with you?'' 

      She began making her way toward the bedroom, but before he could stop her, the bedroom door flew open and there was pilar, the woman he claimed to be his aunt and she appeared to be half naked and it was then that Eva realized for a shocking moment that Andres was partially dressed too. 

Pilar who was totally unaware of Eva's presence called. ''my love, are you coming back to bed?'' when he didn't reply she registered the blank stare on his face, then for the first time she was aware of Eva's presence. 

       Eva was surprised and angry at the same time, she looked at the man she'd loved with all her heart; was it him, or just a dream? 

Tears welled up in her eyes. 

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