chapter five

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Eighteen years later... 

           Leander had dreamt of wearing the silver coated Miss Mexico crown since she was fifteen. 

Albeit somewhere at the back of her mind, she knew she didn't stand a chance amongst her beauty queen opponents. But when her name was finally announced as this year's Miss Mexico, she nearly fainted in astonishment. 

       While back stage away from the jeering crowed, she was greeted by the happy faces of her family. 

         ''I'm so proud of you honey, you did well.'' Gabriela kissed her daughter on both cheeks and went ahead to find Bianca Solis her assistant. Leander flung her long arms around her father who smiled heartily. 

         ''I'm glad you made it dad!'' 

         ''I wouldn't miss it for the world.'' Replied Bernardo Elizondo. 

        ''I hope there's going to be a party to celebrate Leander's victory.'' Amanda put in. 

        ''don't you know anything besides partying.'' Ximena threw back. 

       ''I wasn't talking to you was i?'' Ximena coiled back shyly as Amanda threw her one of her daggers stare. 

        ''did I miss anything?'' a new voice joined in. 

       ''everything.'' Said Leander. ''why weren't you at the show Liara?'' 

       ''sorry we didn't make it on time, our car broke down.'' 

      ''and Alejandro?'' 

     ''he'll be here in a minute.'' 

       Olivia's expression was stoned the entire time, was it because she saw Roberto again? Or was it bernardo elizondo? 

Not only did he lie about his name, he lied about everything else and she'd been gullible enough to believe in him. It's been eighteen years already and it felt like was only yesterday when he'd chosen to disappear from her life. 

      Why was she still affected by him? 

Maybe it's because seeing him with a happy family irks her, it's not fair. She thought. 

She felt a hand on her shoulder, and when she turned round it was Manuel, now her husband of eighteen years. 

       ''we should go.'' He told her and she didn't protest when he guarded her out. The chauffeur held the car door open to them and as soon as they'd settled in, the drive home began. 

Manuel glanced over at her; she was looking out the window. He let out a sigh wondering what was on her mind, she wasn't usually this quiet. 

He reached out and took her hand, she stop looking out the window and was gazing into his eyes. The concern she saw in them made tears threaten to blind her eyes; he was too good to be true, no one not even her own father showed any concern about her the way this man did. 

And each day, she tells herself to not forget how lucky she is to have someone like Manuel by her side. 

       ''you've been quiet ever since we left the show, are you okay?'' she squeezed his hand affectionately and forced a smile. 

             ''I'm okay. Just tired I guess.'' 

            ''or disappointed that you didn't win.'' 

          ''how shallow. I may have lost the crown but casa olivina can still win other shows.'' He kissed her hair. 

          ''glad to hear how confident you are.''

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