chapter nine

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Indira awoke to a stabbing pain in her back which soon permeated her entire body, especially her chest leaving her short of breath. The neck brace was equally heavy. 

Her forehead had cut open but it was only a small gash and even so, she felt like a number of bells were ringing in her ears. She winced from the pain in her head and for the first time, she was aware of her arm in a sling. 

The memories came floating back; both from when she was twelve years old and few minutes ago-was it just few minutes ago or was it hours? She couldn't tell. Graciela came into the room; she was at her daughter's bedside in a split second taking hold of her other hand. 

''Indira my child I'm glad you're awake.'' Tears filled her large blue eyes. ''we were all very worried.'' 

''have you been crying mom?'' Indira forced a whisper. 

''no. no I have not.'' Even as she was denying it, she was wiping away the tears that couldn't contain her eyes any longer. 

Indira forced a smile. 

Graciela sniffed then added. ''your father will be here soon.'' 


''oh she's gone to school already, and she'll explain what had happened to your teachers.'' 

School? She wondered wasn't she in the tack room right after school? How long had she been out for? ''h-how long have I been unconscious?'' 

''you've been out the whole day yesterday and you got us all so worried.'' 

Indira caught sight of her father at the door and she managed a weak smile. No smile that he cheerfully put on could hide the fear in his eyes; he thought that he was going to lose his baby girl. 

Leandro walked further into the room and sat at the edge of Indira's bed, and taking off his hat, he planted a kiss on her forehead. ''how's my baby girl feeling?'' 

''I feel like I can't breathe.'' Came the whispered reply. 

''the doctor said you'll be fine as long as you rest for a few days.'' He said. 

''what about my design?'' worry flashed over her face. 

''it's safe. Thank god Antonio got there in time, who knows what that mad horse would've done to you.'' Gabriela said. 

''Antonio?'' Indira was half alarmed. 

''yes honey, the charming foreman saved your life.'' 

Antonio? She kept rambling. Antonio had his arms around her and she didn't even feel a thing? Hello, you were unconscious so you wouldn't even feel a thing if there was a knife at your throat a voice in her head clarified. 

She wished she hadn't lost consciousness just so she could've felt those muscular arms around her; she wanted to know how it feels to be held by Antonio. The thought of it left her tingling all over. 

A few days could well be a few weeks and Indira's excited not be going back to school anytime soon. 

What the horse did wasn't so bad after all she thought-he made her wish come true. 

She thought about Antonio, and wondered if he found her unattractive too. But there's got to be something she ought to do to make him notice her-but what was she to do? She had no experience with these kind of things; matters of the heart. 

Maybe she should find someone who's been there before; perhaps her mom? 

No way. 

The woman's so old fashioned; she might give her the wrong advice. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2014 ⏰

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