Chapter Two

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Chapter Two:

Niall walked behind Zayn and Harry as they all headed back to Zayn's home, "How old are you, Harry?" Zayn asked as Harry looked at Zayn, taking in all of his features.

"I-I'm n-nineteen, you?" Harry stuttered, feeling shy and nervous around the two men. Last time he opened up to someone, they smashed his everything and left him without a second glance.

"I'm twenty-five." Zayn said with a trusting smile, Harry smiling a shy smile back, "What are some things about you, Harry?" Zayn asked as Harry watched his every step, his black ears twitching every now and then.

"W-well," Harry started off stuttering, even tho he was really trying not to stutter anymore.

"Well?" Niall mumbled quietly under his breath. He knew this was going to be a bad idea.

"I used to live in Cheshire with my real family until I was three, but they decided they didn't want a kitty hybrid." Harry frowned, soon continuing, "I, then, got moved from there to here in London, where new owners bought me. But they soon left and just dumped me on the side of the road. I have been homeless for about two months now, barely getting anything." Harry explained as he kept his face forward, while Zayn stared at him with wide eyes and an open mouth, to which Niall closed for him.

Zayn shook his head and looked at Niall, "You might've caught a fly, mate." Niall joked with a small chuckle as Harry finally turned his head to see what happened.

"So you're saying you just got left?" Zayn said, completely ignoring Niall's comment. Niall on the other hand wasn't having it.

Harry nodded his head in agreement, beginning to cowardly back away as his eyes watched Nialls movements. Zayn turned around to see what got Harry scared as fuck

Niall fumed for a moment, "Zayn. You and I are going to have a stern talk when we get back to yours!" Niall informed as he stomped off ahead.

Harry and Zayn watched Niall as Zayn turned to Harry, "C'mon Harry, don't let him scare you. He wouldn't harm a fly." Zayn said and put a hand on the younger boy's shoulder.


"Ok, what is this 'stern' talk you want to have with me, Ni?" Zayn asked after he helped Harry with the shower and giving him some clean clothes, pointing him to his warm bed.


"And don't yell at me, Niall. Harry's asleep." Zayn added with a small growl as he heard where this conversation was going.

"That boy needs to go Zayn! I heard about Hybrids and not all of them are rainbows and sunshine. Once you get them out of their shell, they can be as rude as a fucking pig." Niall hissed as he felt like he had to protect Zayn in some kind of way.

"Niall, he looked helpless and I decided to stand up, being a man for once and helping him out." Zayn argued, "Anyway, he is kinda cute." Zayn mumbled quietly as Niall cussed under his breath.

"I never should've agreed to this!" Niall shouted and pulled his hair frustratedly. He turned around and pointed a finger at Zayn, "You know what? I'm protecting the wrong person. I know you are going to get attached and then you're going to break his heart, Zayn." Niall said as he kept his eyes on Zayn, "If anything, I hope he goes and breaks yours." Niall harshly says, storming out of Zayn's house.

Zayn stood with his mouth wide open, he's never heard such harsh words come from Niall and he's been friends with Niall since they were babies, running around in diapers.

"Zayn..." Zayn heard Harry's hushed voice, turning around to see Harry scared by what he just heard.

"It's ok, Harry." Zayn said as he pulled Harry into him, "Don't worry about Niall, he was just angry. He didn't mean anything he just said." Zayn comforted Harry and himself, "I hope..." Zayn whispered quietly to himself.

He didn't know Niall would be so touchy with him bringing Harry home with him, but he wishes he would've sat down and knew Niall's exact opinion before hand, instead of yelling at one another and him storming out of the house. It truly scared Zayn.


"So explain this to me again. You and Zayn got into a fight, because of a cat hybrid that you found hiding in a bush?" Louis re-stated and Niall nodded his head, a frown on his face.

"I told Zayn he is going to get attached and break Harry's heart and then I said that I hoped Harry broke his." Niall stated quietly, regretting his heated words.

Louis laughed quietly, "Thats a bit harsh for you, isn't it?" Louis asked with a small smirk.

Niall groaned, "It isn't funny, Lou." Niall frowned, "I really fucked up and I don't exactly want to lose Zayn as a friend. He's the best mate I've ever had." Niall explained, "He's a great lad and you're best mates with him to and I probably-" Louis cut Niall off by placing a kiss to his lips.

"You're babbling." Louis said with a laugh, "babe, I don't think you lost Zayn. He's probably standing in the same spot frozen, because if you said something harsh like that to me, I would've been surprised too." Louis jokes and laughs.

Niall groaned once again and sat down on the couch, "Ok," Louis says seriously, "if you really want to know what he's thinking, why don't you call him?" Louis suggested and Niall nodded, taking his iPhone out and calling Zayn.

"Niall?" Zayn's voice asked through the phone.

"Zayn! You actually answered! I'm really sorry for saying all of that to you. It was a bit harsh." Niall said quickly, so quickly it took Zayn a bit to understand what Niall had just said.

"It's ok, Ni. You're just not used to this kind of situation, but I made a deal that nothing is going to come out of this and I keep my deals." Zayn explained over the phone, Niall clutching his fist at Zayn's words, but didn't actually say anything.

"That's great, Zayn. Now I got to go. See you tomorrow!" Niall quickly said, hanging up before Zayn could even reply back to him.

"He's going to fucking break Harry's heart." Niall threw his hands up in the air with defeat and stormed out the door.


So? Niall's a little protective of Harry and he doesn't even know him! Hehe:)

Love you all!

~Boobear xxx

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