Chapter Three

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Chapter Three:

"What's up, Lou?" Zayn asked as he opened his front door to find Louis with his arms crossed.

"Ok, I want to know what you did to make Niall so upset." Louis demands, pushing himself past Zayn.

Zayn closed his door and looked at Louis confusingly, "What? Niall apologised over the phone to me and said that everything was good." Zayn explains.

"Yeah, I know." Louis snaps, "but apparently you said something to upset him again." Louis says as Harry comes out of Zayn's guest room, stopping when he sees Louis.

Zayn notices and smiles, "Harry, this is Louis Tomlinson." Zayn says, wrapping an arm around him, bringing him toward Louis, "He's Niall's boyfriend."

"H-hi." Harry says shyly, trying to hide behind Zayn.

"So, this is Harry." Louis says crossing his arms, checking Harry out.

Harry nods as Zayn tightens his grip, protectively, "You done checking out Harry now?" Zayn hisses.

Louis glares at Zayn, "I'm not checking out your soon-to-be boyfriend, Zayn. I was just seeing what Niall was so protective of." Louis hisses, "God, you're going to make someone a great boyfriend." Louis says sarcastically.

Harry blushed when Louis spoke about him becoming Zayn's soon-to-be boyfriend.

"What is wrong with you two?" Zayn says, "First Niall, now you."

"Think about it Zayn, you're always on the go with work and now you are bringing a poor, innocent boy into your house just to leave again soon." Louis says pretty much repeating what Niall has told him earlier. "And odds are you are both going to be attached by the hip soon and when you leave Harry is going to be heartbroken!" Louis exaggerates, throwing his arms up in the air.

Zayn groans in annoyance, "I'm not going to get attached! I already told Niall this!" Zayn shouts, making Harry shy away from him with his ears flat against his head and his tail tucked between his legs, scared.

"Way to scare him, Zayn." Louis hisses at Zayn, reaching out for Harry carefully. Zayn slaps Louis' hands away, as Louis glares at Zayn.

"I'm sorry, Haz." Zayn says softly, "I didn't mean to scare you, babe." Zayn grins as Harry, carefully, walks back over to him.

Louis scowls, knowing why Niall was so sore about this. He saw how Zayn and Harry were going to fall into something, he could see it just from the moment in front of him. The worst part is when Zayn is going to hurt Harry by leaving for a long span of time for his career.

Zayn holds Harry in a protective hold, his arms tightly wrapped around Harry's waist as Harry purred into Zayn's neck, his ears perked up and his tail wrapped around Zayn's waist.

Louis grunted in disgust, "I'm leaving, I need to find Niall before he does something stupid." Louis mutters as Zayn breaks away from Harry.

"Do you need help, Lou?" Zayn asks curiously, knowing he'll probably shout a 'no' and storm out of Zayn's house.

Louis sighs, "Actually that would be nice." He says taking Zayn completely by surprise.


"Harry, are you able to pick up smells easily?" Louis asks, cutting Zayn off.

Harry nods, shyly.

"Do you know Niall's scent?" Louis questioned, worried Niall's going to do something stupid.

Harry nods one again, "D-Did I d-do s-something wrong?" Harry stuttered quietly, scared he did something wrong to the blonde boy.

"No, you did nothing wrong Harry." Louis said softly to Harry, "It was Zayn." He growls, grabbing Harry's hand, dragging the boy out the door, leaving Zayn in shock and surprise.


"You getting anything, Harry?" Louis asks desperately, looking around as if he was in trouble and going to get caught.

Harry quickly shook his head, trying not to make Louis anymore upset, than he already was.

Only a couple minutes later, Harry stopped suddenly, causing Louis to ram into his back, "Why did you stop?" Louis asks as Harry points toward a familiar pub.

"Of course." Louis mutters and pulls Harry toward the pub, but Harry pulled back, shaking his head vigorously.

Louis looked at Harry, "What's wrong, Harry?"

"N-no, t-to m-many p-people." He stuttered out, practically shaking with his ears down against his head.

Louis looked at the pub, then back at Harry, "Ok, I want you to stay right here while I go and get Niall. Can you do that for me?" Louis asks pointing at a spot on the wall, Harry nodded his head, curling up against the brick wall, while Louis headed into the pub.

"Niall!" Louis shouts as he sees the bleach blonde hair that was his boyfriend's.

Niall quickly looked in the direction of where he heard his name being shouted from, "Looouuueh!" Niall shouts drunkenly, stumbling over to him.

"You've got to be kidding me." Louis mumbles as he helps Niall keep his balance, "We're leaving here and going home, Niall." Louis says sternly as Niall looks up at Louis.

"But-" Louis cuts Niall off.

"You have absolutely no choice with me." Louis growls and pulls Niall out of the pub, pushing him up against the wall, next to where Harry was. Harry watched Louis with wide eyes.

Niall shook his head, quickly staring at Louis with wide eyes, "Louis.." he says quietly as Louis let's go of him, letting out a deep breath and pacing back and forth in front of Niall and Harry.

"I'm only saying this once," Louis starts out calmly, looking at Niall, "Go fucking talk to Zayn before all of this shit gets out of hand." He finishes, waving a hand in the air, trying to keep his cool.

Niall nods, quickly sobering up. "I-is that all?" Harry whispers quietly, looking at Louis with frightened eyes.

Louis let's out a sigh, reaching out to pat Harry's shoulder, but Harry flinches back. "I'm sorry, Harry. You didn't need to witness any of that." Louis frowns, "I promise I won't hurt you." He gives Harry big, honest eyes.

Harry nods while Niall grabs Harry's hand and pulls him off toward Zayn's home.


SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry for such the long wait, but here is a wonderful, unedited, yet short, chapter that I hope you will all enjoy! Thank you for all the reads! I love you all so much!

-boobear xxxxxxx

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