Chapter Four

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Chapter Four:

Niall had drug Harry the total of a half a mile before they finally reached Zayn's home. They were met with Louis' car, which was parked in the driveway and Niall wondered when he went home to get his car.

"Harry!" Zayn said in distress, once they got into Zayn's home, running to him and holding him tightly in his arms. While Louis rolled his eyes from the couch.

"Glad you were worried about me, mate." Niall grumbles under his breath, joining Louis on the couch.

"Louis told me the whole story, Niall." Zayn got seriously, "And i know how you are when you're piss drunk, so no I'm not worried about you."

Niall glares at Louis, "Thanks, boyfriend."

"You're welcome, boyfriend." Louis grins innocently at Niall, pulling him into a hug.

"Zayn, since Louis told you the whole story, I suppose he told you I came to apologize?" Niall sighs as he has Louis hanging off of him.

"Yes, he told me, Ni." Zayn sighs and let's go of Harry, talking Niall's wrist and pulling him up, "Come with me, we need to talk." He says looking at Niall.

Niall nods as Louis lets him go so he could follow Zayn into the kitchen.

"So what's to talk about, Zayn?" Niall questions, leaning back against the counter, crossing his leg over his other as well as crossing his arms.

Zayn sighs, looking Niall in the eye. "I haven't spoke to you rationally about any of this Niall, and I think now is the time before our friendship is in shambles." He sighs, watching Niall's emotionless face.

"And you're just now realizing this?" Niall says lowly, "What made you finally realize this, Zayn? Did Louis say something? Or was it because I got smashed not that long ago? Or- or was it because Harry is involved in this?" Niall says with a bitter laugh.

Zayn kept his head lowered as he looked at his hands, "It-" He sighed and shook his head. "I figured this would happen."

"Zayn! Do you realize that you're going to fuck up Harry's heart when you leave in a couple months!? Is it even worth it!?" Niall yelled as he pulled at his hair and paced. "Of fucking course not!" He yelled once more before storming out of the kitchen, and grabbing Harry's hand, "Don't you fucking come with me, Tomlinson." He growled, dragging a scared Harry with him, slamming the door behind them.

Harry looked at Niall with wide eyes as he had his back to the door, scared if he makes one little move, Niall will attack. Niall paced, trying to calm himself down so he wouldn't hurt Harry or anyone else. He was trying to think of ideas to keep Harry safe and away from a broken heart.

"Hmm," Niall hummed, looking at Harry with a smirk, "Looks like you are going to come home with meh." Niall proudly admits.

"Wha..what?" Harry shakingly says, his eyes watching Niall closely as his hands worriedly pet his tail fast.

"Zayn is gonna be goin' on a trip in a few months anyway, you are safer with meh and Lou." He nods to Harry, drapping an arm around his neck.


"You are really good at pissing Niall off, Zayn." Louis huffed out as he glared at Zayn, "You don't realize what you are getting yourself into do you?"

"No, Lou, I do. It's you and Niall who think that kitten is gonna fall in love with me and I'm gonna break his heart." He snorts as Louis shakes his head in disappointment.

"You haven't read anything about hybrids have you?" Louis asks, looking at him knowingly.

"No, but you know I don't have time for that." He sighs.

"Well you do now and I'm here, so let me catch you up." Louis sasses, "Hybrids are very kind-hearted creatures, people to be exact, they are just like a little child who gets a pet, but ends up losing the pet three days later after they have fallin' in love with them. Or like a mother who had a child, but loses them the next day. You don't realize how sensitive they are, Zayn. They have bigger hearts than anyone on this planet. Yet, they get treated like garbage and thrown into the streets. It's never fair to them."

Zayn sighs and stares at the floor, "You're right, Lou."

Louis smiles and pats his back, "You're finally comin' around mate!"

Zayn nods as the kitchen door opens, showing Niall with his arm drapped over Harry, "Harry is coming home with me and Lou." Niall says proud of himself.

"Wait," Louis protests, "who said I was okay with this?" Both Zayn and Louis confess in uinson.

"I do." Niall says seriously, a little smirk evident.

"No, that's what you say at our wedding, Niall." Louis says, Zayn shaking his head with a small chuckle.

"Louis, now is not the time to joke around about that." Niall says with a huff.

"I'm not joking," he huffs, pouting a little, "but seriously Niall, why?" Louis asks, "Are you-?" He points between Harry and Niall, a worried look painting his face.

"No! I'm not falling for Hazza here." He says and rolls his eyes, "I'm marrying you, now aren't I?" Niall raises an eyebrow at him.

"That's true, but still, I get jealous easily, so.... shut up." Louis scrambled to say, flustered.

Niall smirked,"Exactly," He nods and looks at Zayn, "We'll see how tonight goes with you and Harry, going from there." Niall says sternly.

Zayn sighed with relief and smiles at Niall, "Thanks Ni." He said, hugging Niall happily.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." He laughs and walks over to Louis, "C'mon, babe, let's go home." He grins, taking his hand.

Louis smirks, winking at Zayn, "Looks like I'll be getting some tonight."

"What are you getting tonight, Louis?" Harry asks innocently, looking at him confused as Niall waves, pulling them both out the door.

"Um... movies?" Zayn tries to cover as he looks at confused green eyes, pulling him into his bedroom. After the today, he just wanted to sleep for a week straight.

Harry nods slowly, "Okay?" He nods, heading over to Zayn with his ears laid back against his head with happiness, "I can stay!" He grins at Zayn.

Zayn takes him into his arms, in bed, and runs his hands through his hair, "Yes, yes you can." He sighs contently with a smile on his face. "Enjoy Hazza." He whispers as Harry slowly cuddles into him, falling fast asleep.


HEY PEEPS! I'm so so so sorry, it took so long for me to update. I work a full time job and it seems like whenever I have my one day off, I'm always asleep or watching Supermatural. I can't promise to update every week or so, but I can promise it won't be such a long wait next time! I'm so sorry if it sucks, I didn't check anything. I just typed it and published it for my lovely readers!

Love, Sam xxxx

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