Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

The two boys had just gotten home, putting Harry's new clothes in the wash, when a blonde haired, Irish lad came barging through the front door. "Niall is here!" He called out, Louis not to far behind him, laughing. Harry and Zayn peaked out from the laundry room as Niall spotted them, running over and tackling Zayn to the floor.

Zayn was let out a groan, patting his friends back, "Happy to see you too, Ni."

Niall lets out a laugh, getting up and helping Zayn. Harry watched them with close eyes, his tail and ears flickering a bit.

Louis smirked from Zayn's couch as he noticed the boy was a little jealous, "Hey, cat boy." Louis called out, getting the boys' attention. "Come here." He waves Harry over, patting the seat next to him.

"What are you doing, Louis?" Zayn questioned, taking a seat on his matching loveseat.

"You'll bloody find out in a second." Louis grumbled as Harry took his seat, cautiously, next to Louis. He watched Louis intently as Louis draped an arm over Harry's shoulder, pulling him into his side. Harry was a bit confused, but started purring when Louis scratched his ear. Louis watched Zayn's reaction as he kept Harry purring. Niall was giving Louis a confused expression as even he didn't know what the bloody hell his boyfriend was trying to do, but he kind of didn't like it either. Zayn couldn't take Louis making Harry purr, so he cleared his throat.

"Louis, what the bloody hell are you trying to do?" He snapped, bringing Harry back to reality.

Louis smirked at the jealous man, "A experiment."

"You are a crazy man." Zayn mumbled, shaking his head as Harry quickly moved over to sit next to Zayn. Niall took Harry's spot on the couch, cuddling into Louis' side.

"Thanks mate!" Louis exclaimed as he wrapped his arms around Niall, pulling him as close to him as possible. Zayn sighed, running his hand through his hair.

"So we originally stopped in to check on Harry." Niall spoke, breaking the silence they were sitting in.

"It's been almost two days, Ni." Zayn raised an eyebrow, "What is there to possible check up on?" He questioned as Niall shook his head.

Everyone sat in silence for a couple of moments, Louis noticed the tension and thought he would break it, "How about you boys come over for supper later tonight?"

Harry's eyes lit up as he smiled over at Zayn, "Can we go?" He asks hopeful, giving Zayn kitten eyes. Zayn lets out a sigh, soon smiling at the green eyed boy.

"What time shall we be there, Lou." Zayn asks as Harry silently celebrates next to him.

Louis grins, "About six o'clock!" He chirps as Niall laughs at his excited boyfriend, "well, we better head home then to get the house ready for you two." Louis hops off the couch, soon bouncing out the door, Niall saying a quick bye and rushed after his boyfriend.

Zayn sighed in content, sitting back into the couch, "'Suppose you've never had a supper with friends before?" He questioned, watching the boy next to him frown slightly.

Harry's eyes lock with Zayn's, "I never got the chance to." He mumbles quietly, soon looking away and down at his fiddling fingers.

Zayn took Harry's hands in his, catching Harry's gaze once again, "I'll make sure you get treated like a king."


Louis was rushing around the dining room since the moment they got back home. He figured this would be the perfect night to completely take his boyfriend by surprise and propose to him. Of course, it was tricky because Niall was watching his boyfriend in amusement the whole time. Louis let out an annoyed groan, looking at the time, "Niall, you should go get ready for tonight." He mumbles, throwing a black table cloth over there wooden table.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2020 ⏰

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