Mornings With You

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Yeah, I'll admit.

Mornings with you are better than
The mornings a cop checks into work with a fresh cup of coffee and a batch of fresh glazed donuts.

Mornings with you are better than
Saturday morning
Realizing its the weekend.

Mornings with you are better than
Chilly and dark nights making bonfires and telling personal stories that may or may not have even happened.

Mornings with you are better than
Date nights and midnight calls

Mornings with you are better than
Getting licked to death by German Shepard puppies,  and those are my favorite!

Mornings with you are better than
Pizza parties and ice cream socials at school.

Mornings with you are life.
Breathing in moments, I'm alive
And thankful I've gotten another chance to see your beautiful face.

I love mornings with you.

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