November Vibes

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It really is pretty dumb.

The things that go on in my head.

Words can't put into actions why I feel this way sometimes, but I know if I tell you, there won't be much talking after.

It just gets awkward for you, and quite frankly, that's the reason I hardly speak my mind in the first place.

Who am I to you?
What am I to you?

Pictures from the past keep showing up here and there and it makes me reminisce the times I was the reason for your smile.

The selfies you used to send me of your brace-filled cheesy smile. You hated them so much and couldn't wait to get them off, but you were so adorable and so self-conscious about your smile then that when you actually did smile around me, I knew you were that comfortable.

But now.. you seem like a ghost..

A ghost from my past I can't quite understand the meaning of.
You hold the same girl who's held my heart time and time again, and I can still see her in those heart-stopping eyes of yours, but not in your actions.

I feel cold of your verbal touch, hearing no place for me in your future.

You forgot how to smile and you forgot how to love. I'm still here, but I feel like a broken record every time I express how much you mean to me and it not have much effect.

I'm stupid. Chasing ghosts of my past, but honestly, I've been doing it for so long, you might as well take me to the other side.

What am I to you?...

Who am I to you?...

Answer me, please!...

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