Wishing Upon A Lost Star.

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A Letter Of Deep Emotion. A Vague Memory of What Could've Been.

"Love is not like a river. Our relationship reminds me of an ocean; deep, sometimes dark, but still full of beautiful things. Also, like the ocean, our relationship has come far and wide.
In the beginning, I remember telling you how I wanted to share the deep and dark things with each other. I could've pushed you away, telling myself you didn't need the mess in my head mixing up with yours, but it was too late.  Our feelings were already clear. Today, I'm glad I didn't, for all our dark times have made the beautiful ones shine brighter. We both have taken each other to the darkest depths of the sea, but swam back up together to see the brightest of days.

And it's weird to think we've explored so much of each other already that there's still things we don't know or haven't learned yet, but we have forever to do so. Most people will just look at the ocean and fall in love with it or lust it. I'm not sure if I've ever really told you about this or not, but from the very moment I saw you, saw your surface, it was never about looks. Don't get me wrong,  you've always been and always will be your handsome self. But seeing you the first time, I got this feeling immediately of needing to know more; to explore. Your surface was and is amazing, but it's not what I fell in love with. The first time looking into your eyes I saw just beneath the surface and knew there was a lot more to learn. When our hands touched and we were made to dance together is when you threw a line out and I was hooked. Getting my number to text me, you started reeling in, but now, I had decided to dive in head first. Eventually, you changed my life forever in one day and everything was beautiful in the beginning except a few minor scratches on the surface of the reef.

Then, in another dark day with no sun, I sank to the bottom for a reason that still breaks my heart and probably always will.

You see, unlike the ocean, we don't last forever. Life isn't everlasting, but since the beginning, it's always been you to give me the feeling of Forever. Knowing you're my forever makes everything okay. I'm in love with you and everything we've been through and everything else we have coming out way. As long as we both shall live."


A Bitter Ending.

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