RWBY and Destiny crossover Vol 1 Chapter 12

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Y/N's POV             

Y/N: *sighs* Ghost... Time.

Ghost: Five Thirty o'clock in the morning.  Are you always going to wake up this early?

Y/N: Gotta get awake before anyone else.  What classes are scheduled? 

Ghost: None.  It's Saturday.

Y/N: Oh!  Well then... extra time for a good ol' walk around the school.

              I hopped out of bed and instantly went into the shower.  I pondered what the team and I could do for the day.  Checking out the city didn't seem like a bad idea, we hadn't exactly poked around there all too much.

              Stepping out of the shower, I dried off and changed into my freshly cleaned clothes, and walked back into the room.  Gonzalo's snoring was loud enough to be an alarm clock... Half of Matt's body dangled off from his bed, and Justin simply lied in bed, fast asleep.

Y/N: One day... you'll all learn the perks to waking up early.

             Ghost fetched me my jacket that I quickly slipped into before grabbing my emblem and heading out the door.  Halls were quiet, just how I liked it before my daily walk.  With a slight push from my shoulder, I stepped outside.  The morning sun shined in front of my eyes, and the cool spring breeze lightly brushing against my skin.  It was... peaceful.  I began my walk.

Ghost: You got any ideas for the day?

Y/N: Was thinking of going down into the city.  Figured it would be a good idea to check it out.

Ghost: I was reading the local news and it appears that the festival your professor spoke about is beginning to set up down there.  People from other kingdoms are supposed to arrive today, actually.

Y/N: Huh... I wonder what's so important about this festival anyway.  Is it a traditional thing?

??? : That is correct, Mr. L/N.

              I stopped in my tracks, my head turning to my right to find Ozpin standing a few feet away from me with his cane and hug in hand.

Y/N: Where did you come from?

Ozpin: My office, of course.  It seems I picked a good day to go for a walk, I suppose.  The temperature is... perfect.  

              My left eyebrow raised.

Y/N: So... what was it about the festival?

Ozpin: Ah, yes... my apologies.  The Vytal Festival is, in fact, a tradition, one is held every year at one of the four kingdoms.  This year just so happens to be within Vale.  I'm surprised you've never heard of it.

Y/N: Uh... sorry... my mind's all fuzzy from just waking up a little bit ago, you know?

Ozpin: I understand.  Perhaps waking up this early took a small effect on you.  Coffee usually wakes me up in the morning... I suggest you try it.

Y/N: I'll consider it.

Ozpin: Good, good.  Now, if you don't mind me, I'm going to go continue my stroll around my school.

               This smile didn't fade... I narrowed my eyes as he walked passed me and the other direction.

Ozpin: Oh, but before I go... be sure to keep your eye on your drone.  It nearly flew into Professor Goodwitch last night.

              He winked, turned, and walked away.  My eyes widened, and I instantly summoned Ghost into my palm once he was out of sight.


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