Please just stop talking.

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So recently I came out to a bunch of my college mates. Was scary af but I've only known them for like 3 months so if they disowned me I wouldnt care... that much. I also told them about my trans bestfriend... which led to:
"Would you go out with your trans bestfriend then?"
"Well he's cute an' all but no. I think of him like a brother. Just because he's my bestfriend doesnt mean I want to date him."
"Awww but you should. You two would be so cute."
"I'm gonna send him this convo. I do love him to pieces but not like that. And no it's not because he's trans, it's because he is my little baby bro."
Which THEN led on to:
"Do you like, have a crush on your brother? Because you grew up with him so you're closer than anyone."
"1. Oh hell to the no! That is my brother!
2. My brother is not my friend and has nothing in common with me and litterally annoys the hell out of me so much.
3. What?! How do you come to that conclusion?"

Sigh. Please tell me none of you guys had to deal with this. I mean it's hilarious but what the actual poop!? Comment below any fun coming out stories you have to share or any stupid questions you've been asked and whether or not I can use them in this.

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