My sexuality has nothing to do with tumblr

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This particular atrocity happened due to a mix of things. I wanted to come out to my ex. Mostly because I thought he deserved the right to know especially seen as we had an almost sexual relationship and my coming out as demi probably explained why one of the first things I going into the relationship was no sex till later... a lot later XD. Not that I knew that when I said it. I also wanted to tell him because he was one of my closest friends and I'd already told a few people and wanted to tell him before I started telling lesser friends because he means a lot to me even though he's my ex.

Another thing that added to the mix creating what was not a brilliant experience was the fact that me and my ex tease each other a lot; it's how we're friends really. About a month prior to coming out I had let my friend chat to him as a prank because she'd picked up my ipod while I was studying and in the middle of a conversation with him. The conversation between him and my friend wasnt particularly eventful and was extremely embarrassing for him and I expected some form of payback later.

Later, turned out to be the worst possible day, so by the point at which I was ready to come out to him I had already realised that there was no way in hell that that was my ex I was talking to. Being the idiot rebel I was, I decided "Screw it, he might scroll back to see what his friend said and see my coming out which prevents awkward conversations and this is good practise for telling lesser friends whom I had no idea how they would react. Also, I dont know this guy and will never have to talk to him again so it doesnt matter what he thinks." So I came out to some random guy on my ex's phone.

So far this isnt an atrocity it's just not the best idea I've ever had. Might scroll back to find his exact words. Ok found it! So basically it started of this guy calling me frigid and a bad shag because I have had many boyfriends (meaning only one XD said afore mentioned ex) and am still a virgin and I sassed him back. Anyway, I ended up saying "I'm pretty sure I'm demi so I'm not into f***ing randoms or b***ing guys I hardly even talk to." Yes I know you can not be demi and also not want to do those things but hey I was just finding a way I could slip it into the conversation for practise sakes. Anyways, he replied "I'm sorry guys don't want SJWs." Not exactly what I was expecting and being the nerd I have little experience with text speech so had no idea what he meant. So I asked him what an SJW was and he replied "You, you tumblr c**t."

I don't have tumblr. I've never had tumblr. I have been on tumblr once upon hearing that there were signs of frostiron in a marvel game.

You'll be happy to hear I gave him hell of the snappy comeback kind 😂
I should probably be more angry than I am but honestly its just funny to me. My ex got his phone back and didnt scroll back so he still doesnt know I'm demi cos I forgot to tell him... oh well. I'll tell him eventually.

Please do comment any funny, annoying or just any coming out experiences youve had or funny demi experiences you've had or funny demi things. It'll really help make this book less about me and more about demisexuality as a whole. Hope you... I dunno enjoyed? Identified? with this... or whatever. Seeya next time.

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