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Ok so this happened a few weekends back and I kept forgetting to write it up and post it despite really wanting to. All names have been changed and I'm keeping my usual alias thanks but yeah these are real event. They were drinking underage but we were all over the age of 16 and I didn't drink and just... don't underage drink ok? It isn't safe at parties. Make sure you are safe before consuming alcohol and know your limits, don't get absolutely shiz faced, the videos will be embarrassing later. XD

I went to my college mate's party and her lesbian sister was there and everyone was a bit drunk... Anyway, a conversation circle kinda formed around Alix (the sister) about sexuality and a few of my other college mates started coming out as bi and pan and stuff. Everyone already pretty much knew I was demi apart from Alix so Monique told Alix as we were talking about it, which I was fine with. I explained what it meant and the conversation went on...

Later, I returned to the conversation circle and Monique was slightly more drunk than before... A boy who was also at the party had joined and Monique happily said "I'm bi and 'Hodgia' is demonsexual!"
"Demonsexual?" He asked. I laughed and said "Yeah sure."
He ran off shouting "'Hodgia' is demonsexual! She fucks demons!"

I honestly thought this was hysterical so went along with it cause hey, they're all drunk, they'll have forgotten by morning. Anyway, I met back up with Rohan a few minutes later and cleared things up explaining what demisexual meant and all that and he said "Do you want to be friends with me?". Not really the right idea, but I thought it was flattery and laughed it off. I did tell him it didn't work like that, don't worry.

So the reason this took so long and that it's stuck in my mind is that I now have the nickname Demonsexual thanks to my friend Monique and she keeps apologising as she thinks its offensive to demisexuals and that its making fun of my sexuality but tbh I think it's hilarious and pretty cool as vampires are practically demons and I think they're awesome... don't want to fuck one but whatever right?

Hope you liked this and thought it was as funny as I did. Platonic love to all my fellow demonsexuals out there XD <3 Drunk people be drunk people man. Gotta love 'em.

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