The Visitor

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I can feel my heart pounding in my chest. It's been an hour and I still can't stop replaying that same moment in my head, over and over again. Each time it makes my stomach jump and my heart flutter, but of course it's not as perfect as the actual moment. I want to talk to someone about it, or to Brendon himself, but who is there to talk to? If I told Ryan anything, he would probably absentmindedly accidentally tell Brendon, and I don't really have anyone else to talk to. Everyone we've been eating lunch with are nice, but I know nothing about them. And Allie? She knows absolutely nothing about me, other than my name.

I stay up almost all night thinking about everything, and I don't fall asleep until nearly 4 am.

I wake up at noon and look at my phone before getting out of bed. I see a text from Ryan and open it. He sent me: "Good job ;-)" at 9 last night. Obviously Brendon told him what happened yesterday. Today is Saturday, and I'm kind of nervous about spending all day with Brendon, but I'm also kind of excited.

I get out of bed when I finish looking through my notifications, and decide to go hang out with Brendon. I walk out of my room and cross the hall to Brendon's room. I listen for a second to see if he's awake, and when I hear the sound of guitar I knock on the door. After a few seconds, the door swings open revealing Brendon. I give him a toothy smile and he laughs as he invites me in to the room. I would have expected to see a huge mess in his room with empty wrappers and food containers everywhere, but surprisingly, it's very clean. He has a television and a gaming system across from his bed and a few guitars laying throughout various places in the room, but other than that, it's very simplistic.

"What's up?" he asks me casually, like nothing happened between us. "I was bored," I say. "Oh. Did you just wake up?"

I laugh, "yeah, surprising right? Our roles are usually reversed." He laughs and touches my shoulder as he stands and gets two Xbox controllers. "Want to play a game?" he asks. I nod and get up to look at his selection. He recommends a zombie game, and although I'm terrible at first person shooters, I agree.

The game is horrifying. I thought that we would be playing against each other, but in actuality we move as a team and try to protect ourselves together, which is good considering even without the stress of competition the game scares the shit out of me. More than once I find myself hiding in his shirt when we're being attacked. He keeps telling me that I can't do that because that's how you lose, but I don't listen.

When we've had enough of video games, I ask Brendon to play me some songs on his guitar. He does, but instead of singing in his normal and beautiful voice, for each song he plays he acquires a new personality. Sometimes western, sometimes Russian, sometimes some sort of a burlesque dancer. I laugh so hard that it hurts, and I'd being lying if I said I didn't take a few videos.

At about 6, We order a pizza and turn on a show. I can't help but notice that Brendon won't stop staring at me. I look at him a few times to see if he'll look away when we meet eyes, but he doesn't. "Why are you staring at me?" I ask after a few minutes. "Just trying to take in all the beauty," he says, which makes me blush profusely. He moves a strand of hair away from my face and we look into each other's eyes. "Ashley, I really like you, and I know we haven't known each other for very long, but do you want to be-" he's cut off by a knock at the door. We both groan and get up off his bed. Brendon jogs down the stairs, going to open the door for who we assume is the pizza guy. I sigh and lay on his bed for a few seconds before getting up and following him downstairs. He opens the door just as I reach him, and his jaw drops.

It is definitely not the pizza guy at the door. In to the house without invitation walks a girl with black hair and beautiful green eyes. She's absolutely gorgeous in all senses of the word. "Hey baby," she says, twirling her hair in her finger at Brendon, "I've got some news for you."

Hey baby? Who the hell is this girl. "Liz, what are you doing here?" Says Brendon, looking nervous. "I came back for you," she responds, taking a step closer to him. "Why?" He asks her. She looks over at me, and Brendon catches on to what she's trying to indicate. "Ashley, can we have a little bit of privacy?" He asks me. I'm a little hurt, but I nod and walk up the stairs into my room. Who is this chick? An ex girlfriend? Old friend? Whoever she is, I don't like the looks of her. Not one bit.

after a few minutes of hearing nothing, I hear Brendon scream, so loudly that it sounds like he's standing in my room, "WHAT?" I open the door to my room just in time to see him walk into his bedroom and slam the door. I stand in front of his room for a few minutes, surprised with whatever just happened, and just as I'm about to walk back in to my room, Brendon busts out of his with his wallet in his hand and a small backpack on. "Bren, what's wrong?" I ask, concerned. "Just stay out of it, Ashley." He says, clearly very upset, but not aggressively. He turns around for just a second, and I can see that his eyes are red, and he looks absolutely terrified. I hear two sets of footsteps, the door to the garage open and close, and then a car pull away.

I couple minutes later, the pizza man comes. I pay him and although I'm extremely hungry, I wait to eat because I want to eat with Brendon. First I wait for 10 minutes. Then 20. At 45 minutes I give in and take a single piece of pizza, but I don't take another until it's been an hour and a half. Eventually, I end up eating that entire pizza waiting for him. I stay up until 8 that morning, calling him repeatedly and waiting for him to return, but no matter what I try, I don't hear a thing.

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