The Notebook

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3 months later

Ryan, Brendon, Liz and I are all sitting on the couch watching a movie. Well,  Liz is watching a movie, the other three of us are standing up every 10 seconds to help her with her every need. Her stomach is swollen to the size of a watermelon now, and she's not even 9 months pregnant yet. Brendon is still stressed out of his mind, but he's been able to relax a bit.  We all celebrated his birthday last week, and he had a good time then.

I've been doing a lot better too. I eat lunch with everyone again, and we all hang out more.

Liz however has gotten more and more needy throughout the past few months. I guess that's understandable, she is pregnant, but the part that bothers me is that she only seems to need all this extra help when it's convenient for her. Half the time she does everything herself with not a single issue, but whenever she starts to get lazy, all of a sudden it's like her legs don't work.

"Can we watch something else, Liz?" Brendon asks, seeing as this is our fourth time watching The Notebook in a row. "But brenny boo, this is what the baby wants to watch," she whines back at him. He sighs and continues to watch the movie with her. I stand up and go to get a glass of water, and before I reach the kitchen Liz yells out at me, "Can you bring me some juice?" I want to tell her no. I want to so badly, but I don't. I give a fake smile and nod at her. When I come back with the juice, she complains because it isn't white grape juice, it's apple juice. I roll my eyes and stand up to go dump out the apple and pour some white grape. When I get back, she doesn't even thank me, she just takes the glass and turns her attention back to the tv.

Once the movie is over, Brendon flicks off the tv and recommends that we all have lunch. "Can you make grilled cheese?" Ryan asks, hopefully. Brendon nods and the four of us walk into the kitchen. Brendon starts cooking and Liz launches into a story about a time she went to Spain and someone tried to recruit her as a model.

When we all finish eating, Ryan speaks up and says, "you know what sounds really good right now? Chocolate chip cookies." Liz pipes up and says, "The baby agrees."

Brendon and I get up and start gathering the ingredients for the cookies. We start with the dough, and when that's done we go to get the chocolate chips. When I get to the cupboard I see that they're on the top shelf again, but this time I'm determined to get them. I climb on top of the counter, careful not to fall, and reach for the bag. When I finally reach them, I pump my fist victoriously and shout "yes!" forgetting that the bag is open. I spill some chocolate chips on the floor and Brendon laughs. "You have got to stop doing this," he says. Ryan joins in laughing, and so does Liz but her laugh seems very forced. She then stand up from where she was sitting and tries to take a bite of dough. Before she reaches the bowl, she leans over and puts her hands on her stomach and starts howling in pain. "Liz? What?! What's happening?!" Brendon says, frantically rushing over to Liz's side. A second or two later, a wet spot appears on Liz's pants and she starts to calm down. "I think I just went in to labor," she says, her face white like a ghost. "You can't be, you're only 8 months along! " Brendon says, panicked. "So what, she might be a little pre mature! It will be fine, just GET ME TO THE HOSPITAL!" Liz screams. The three of us escort Liz in to the car and start driving towards the hospital. Every couple minutes, Liz has another contraction. Ry looks like he's about to throw up and Brendon is so sweaty he looks like he just got out of the shower. I'm trying frantically not to pass out. Surprisingly, Liz looks like she's the most calm out of all of us.

When we reach the hospital, a paramedic walks up to our car and asks if we need assistance. We all nod and he brings a wheel chair over to Liz's side of the car. He helps her into it, and then starts pushing her towards the hospital with Brendon following. Before he's gone, he tells Ryan and I that we can wait in the waiting room.

When we get to the waiting room, Ryan calls Jodie and Rick telling them to get to the hospital when they can. I try desperately not to pass out, but my best attempts fail and seconds later, I go limp and my eyes shut.

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