The Dump

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We pull up to Ryan's house and all of the lights are off. "Did you let him know we were coming?" I ask. Brendon smiles nervously indicating that he didn't. I roll my eyes and start to reach for my phone. "No, don't call him!" Brendon says frantically. "You'll wake up the entire house. Let's just go get him." I'm confused at what he means, but I follow Brendon out of the car. Instead of approaching the front door, Brendon walks over to the side of the house and starts climbing on to the roof.

"What are you doing?" I whisper-shout at him. He looks down at me and gestures for me to come up. Reluctantly, I climb on to the roof next to him. Brendon puts his arms out to his sides as he walks across the roof and towards a window. "What if it's locked?" I suggest. "It won't be, trust me," he responds confidently. I carefully follow brendon over to the window as he slides it open.

Brendon rolls into Ryan's room first. I try to be quiet as I clamber through the window, but I'm unsuccessful. As I try to put my foot on the carpet, I knock over a guitar that was propped against the wall on to the floor. The crash causes Ryan to wake up.

Ryan groggily mumbles "what the hell?" He opens his eyes and looks over at us. His mouth starts to open like he's going to scream, so quickly Brendon rushes over and covers it. "Shh, Ryan it's Brendon. Come with us." He ushers Ryan on to his feet and slowly uncovers his mouth as he says this. Ryan sighs, shakes his head and grabs a pair of shoes from his closet. The three of us then crawl back out of the window and close it behind us.

We quietly get off the roof and all get into Brendon's car. Once we're far enough from his house that he is confident no one will hear, ryan starts yelling a Brendon. "What was that all about?!" He yells. "We're going on an adventure," Brendon tells him, a smile growing on his face. Ryan stumbles over his words for a second making a series of incoherent sounds before just saying "why?" Brendon then launches into the story of what happened with Liz. He gives a few more details this time then when he told me, but he also starts to get much angrier while explaining it. It appears that the high that was keeping him calm has worn off. By the time he finishes his story, he's practically steaming from the ears. "You need to find a way to relax," Ryan tells him, looking like he's on the brink of an idea. Brendon glances over at him and raises an eyebrow. "Do you trust me?" Ryan asks him, nodding his head towards the steering wheel. Brendon looks nervous at first, but slowly starts to pull over to the edge of the road.

Him and Ryan switch places and Ryan immediately turns the car around. Brendon then flicks on the radio and him and Ryan sing along. We drive for around 20 minutes before Ryan pulls into a: garbage dump?

Brendon looks just as confused as me as we get out of the car. It looks like the piles of trash are separated into sections: old car scraps, furniture, plain old trash, etc. Ryan leads us over to a little pile that has a bunch of old cabinets and box springs. Then he leans over, picks up a metal bar on the ground and hand it to Brendon. Brendon turns the bar over on his hand and looks confused. "Hit it," Ryan tells him, pointing at a book case.

Brendon haphazardly swing the bar at the book case and doesn't do any damage. "Is that the best you can do?" Ryan says. Brendon swings the bar again, a little harder this time, but still nothing happens. Ryan continues to shout things like "come on!" And "What are you, twelve?" Eventually, I join in on the shouting and we successfully help Brendon turn a piece of furniture in to a pile of wood. After we're done, Brendon throws the bar on the ground and wipes his sweat off his forehead. Him and Ryan look at each other and Brendon starts laughing. It only takes a second for Ryan and I to join in as well. The three of us walk out of the garbage pit and back towards the car, still laughing like maniacs and start to get in. Before Brendon starts the vehicle, I speak up.

"If we're being spontaneous, can I recommend somewhere?" Brendon looks like he's going to say no, so I add a "please?" and make the most pleading face I can muster up. "Where would you even take us? You just moved here." Ryan says. I guess he's right, I don't know where I would take them, but if I don't act like I'm confident then there's no way Brendon will say yes. "I know a place," I lie.

Brendon takes a moment to think over my proposal before finally agreeing. "Whoo!" I shout as a jump of of the car and climb into the front seat. I had my license in Arizona, I haven't had the chance to drive since I've been here. I'll admit, I jerk the car at a few stop signs while trying to stop, but for the most part I do pretty well. I have the driving part down, but now here's the problem: where do I go?

I drive in a straight line for a while, trying to appear like I know where I'm going, and eventually we get to a lake. I guess I could have done worse, considering I was essentially drawing my destination out of a hat.

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