The Return

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When I wake up, it's pitch black outside. I'm laying on top of Brendon's chest like I was before. It couldn't have been later than noon when I fell asleep, so I'm surprised that I was able to sleep this long. I see that it's almost 4 a.m. when I look at my phone. I feel like I'm itching in my own skin and I don't want to be here any more. It's earlier than we'd anticipated, but I want to go back home. Arizona has been far too stressful.

I walk downstairs and pour myself a glass of water, then go outside and sit on the back lawn. I sit in silence for a few minutes before I hear the sliding   glass door open. "It's a little late for you to be out here," says a familiar voice. I turn around and see just the face I expected. "Hey, Dax." I close my eyes and turn my face towards the moon, the warm breeze blowing purple strand of hair across my face. I'm leaning back against my palms to keep myself sitting upright, which is causing the blood to drain from my hands.

Dax comes and sits beside me. "We're going to leave tomorrow," I tell him, "as soon as Brendon wakes up." Dax looks a little sad, but he nods. I open my eyes and look at him. "This might be the last time I see you, for a while at least." I tell him. When we leave Arizona, I'm going to stay away for as long as possible. "Ashley," Dax says as quietly as he can without whispering. I give him my attention.

He stares at me with such intensity that it almost worries me for a second. I hear something behind me amd start to turn away, but before I can Dax cups the side of my face and pulls me into him. He kisses me, and I'm too in shock to push him away, but I don't kiss him back.

When I finally come to my senses and shove him off of me, I'm angry. "Ashley, I'm sorry, I just-"

"I can't believe you!" I tell at him. "You know damn well I'm with Brendon. And you shouldn't have done that for my sake either!" I take a few steps away from him. "I just needed one friend, just one that I could count on. I thought you were my one friend, Dax." With every word I say, he looks more hurt. "I am your friend Ashley, I just wasn't thinking." I shake my head. "I need some space."

It doesn't make much sense that I would tell him I need space, I was away from him for a solid year, but my head is spinning right now and I couldn't think of anything else to say. Maybe Brendon was right about Daz...

Brendon. I need Brendon. We need to leave tonight.

I storm into the house and go upstairs. I pack up all of the stuff that Brendon and I brought before going over to the bed, where I see Brendon peacefully asleep. I gently shake him awake. He yawns and opens his eyes, which find their way to me. "Brendon, we need to leave right now. I can't be hear anymore." He pushes himself up and blinks at me. "Now?" He asks after a minute. I nod. "We're already packed."

He looks around the room to see our bags looking ready to leave. "Okay, fine. Let's go." He pushes himself off of the bed and grabs his bags. I grab mine and jog downstairs. When I get to the door, Dax tries to stop me from leaving. "Ashley, please don't leave," he pleads. He probably thinks he's the only reason I want to leave, when really he's just the cherry on top, but I don't bother explaining this to him. I turn away and walk outside and over to the car. Brendon and I load our bags and are on the freeway within 15 minutes.

"What happened?" Brendon asks once we're driving at a steady pace. I hesitate telling him, but decide to anyways. "Dax kissed me." I say, doing my best not to convey any emotions. Brendon's knuckles turn white as he squeezes the steering wheel tightly. "I didn't kiss him back though, I promise." I say in an attempt to relieve him.

He still looks tense, but I see his grip on the steering wheel loosen. "I trust you," he says after a minute. He still looks a bit upset, but he sounded convincing so I drop it. He reaches over and grabs my hand, letting out a sigh in the process. I turn my head towards the window and lean my head against it. There isn't much to see, just some dead grass and the cracked road, but that doesn't stop me from staring.

I start to think about Ryan after a while. Hopefully he's been having a good time in Chicago, he has been pretty quiet after all. I'm looking forward to seeing him, it's been to long. Ryan's like a rock to me, and with all the insanity around me I really need him to talk to.

After a couple minutes I start to fall asleep. The only thing I'm aware of is the cold glass pressed against my temple and Brendon's warm hands interlaced with mine.

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