The Rain Falls Like Burr

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A/N: So, I'm going to explain this now.. this is an AU! Hamilton story! Also, this is Theodosia x Philip.
I will explain the AU in the story, both of them perhaps.

Theodosia was depressed and lonely, abused. Her father was depressed from his wife's death, taking it all out on his daughter, a defenseless little child. Every time he would beat her he would utter the same words, "Talk less, Smile more." Those words rang in her ears.

Philip was an adventurous, prideful young kid. He would always defend himself and aim to impress. He would protect those he could and make his family smile. When his family was ripped apart by an affair the boy tried to cheer them up, only to drive them apart even more. He would cry knowing his family will never be the same. The arguments rang in his ears.

Theodosia had enough of her father, each bruise, cut, burn, she was done. She ran into the cold rain as it hit her face. It was nothing but a light tap compared to the vicious hits she had endured. She was glad the weather was as horrendous as it was, for what it hid was her own small storm falling from her eyes. She sobbed, wailed into the night as she ran. Mud caught onto her dress, in some places where it was torn. She had no idea where she was going, well she had one idea. She wanted to go anywhere but where her personal Satan was. She was only 16, defenseless and alone to the world's burning hate. She continued to run until exhaustion plagued her. She coughed a small bit, resting under a tree. She saw a few dimly lit houses on this rough road. She felt the wet earth beneath her as she sobbed. She looked up when she heard some yelling, panicked and worried. She saw a figure, one she had known. It was Alexander Hamilton.

"Young lady get out of this rain this instant and come inside! It would be a shame if your dress were to get any more dirty than it already was!" He called out to her, standing from his doorway. He was having a friendly hand to her, inviting her in.

"Th-Thank you, Mr.Hamilton." Theodosia choked out, finding her way off the ground and to his house. It was obvious her dress was tarnished, ruined.

Alexander was confused as to why Aaron Burr's daughter was in this rain but invited her in. He brought her into the family room and by the fireplace. Eliza was there and instantly shot up to go and get a blanket for her.

"Philip, get a warm drink, right now please!" Eliza called as she ran over to the closet where spare sheets, blankets, and pillows sat to rest. She grabbed a blanket and ran back to the fireplace to see Theodosia, bleeding, crying, and shivering. She placed the blanket onto her and ran into the kitchen.

"Ma, what is going on?" Philip asked, pouring the heated drink into a cup.

"Theodosia Burr is now in our house, bleeding, crying, and drenched. We need to find the medical kit." Eliza said, looking around the kitchen.

"Ma, take this to her, I will find it." Philip said, handing his mother the cup.

Eliza muttered a quick thank you and ran into the family room. Alexander was already back in his office, viciously writing what Eliza gathered to be either a panicked or pained letter to Aaron Burr. Eliza sighed and sat next to the teen, growing increasingly worried by the moment.

"Here, take this, Theodosia." Eliza said, holding out the cup. Theodosia turned and only now did Eliza see the extent of her injuries.

Theodosia had a bleeding nose, as well as a black eye and a few more bruises on her face. The bruised were accompanied by bloodied cuts. "Thank you ma'am." Theodosia said quietly, taking the drink and keeping her head down.

"Theodosia, what happened to you!?" Eliza asked, her motherly instinct pushing past her hatred for Aaron Burr.

Theodosia wanted oh so badly to answer but she just couldn't. Her father always muttered the same words after every beating, "talk less, smile more." But god was she going to listen to those words after today. "My father." She muttered out, a sudden bravery inside of her.

Eliza was overcome by shock. Why would Burr do such a thing to his own daughter. She down felt the same rage Alexander was going through. "I promise, Alexander and I will fix this." She said softly before getting up and heading to Alexander's office.

Phillip rushed into the family room with the medical kit. He had heard the whole thing. He looked at Theodosia and could only feel worry for her. He sat down next to her and began to gently tend to her wounds. He said nothing, for fear she would maybe jump out of her own skin.

Theodosia was shaking like a leaf, terrified. The Hamilton family was horrible- rude even- but this was wrong. She had never been treated with such respect, such fondness. She looked at Philip like he was the knight in shining armor she always needed. But, god knows how horrible men could be. Theodosia tried to hide the fear but it was obvious she had no idea what was going on.

Philip kept cleaning her wounds, trying to make sure no cut, scrape, or bruise was ignored. Once he was done he sighed. He looked at her still shaking form and could only imagine the pain she had gone through. He could only think of one thing to do to try and cheer her up.

Philip wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close in a warm embrace. Theodosia was frozen, stiff in his embrace. Suddenly, those all too familiar tears rolled down her cheeks. But this time it felt different. She was happy, relieved. She just melted into his hug, not knowing anything else to do. Philip just whispered sweet words into her ear, trying to make her feel better.

Theodosia was tired and she never even realized it. Before she knew it she was asleep in Philip's arms. Philip looked down at her and let out a soft sigh, worried for her. He just kept her in his arms, humming a small tune.

Alexander and Eliza were furious with Burr's actions. They were telling about what to do with him, Eliza once joking about throwing him in a river. Eventually they had decided upon exposing him to the public, ruining him and sending him to jail. For once, Eliza and Alexander smiled at each other.

They both went to leave the office, confident and full of determination. Once the door was opened, they both heard Philip's sweet tune. Eliza gasped softly when she saw the sight before her. Alexander had a snug grin on his face, ready to shove this into Aaron's face. Eliza on the other hand had a soft, warm smile on her face. She knew things were going to be very different for this young girl who cried wolf.

To Live On the Edge (Theodosia X Philip)Where stories live. Discover now