My last Goodbye

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As years pass, people grow. Just like the legacy of the Hamilton's, sometimes it isn't meant for the story to continue further past a point. The world continues to spin and people move on. No one knew Alexander Hamilton's name under he was dead, but now he is honored. Just as he has left this world, it is time for me to leave this story behind. I started it many years ago when I had plenty of motivation and inspiration for the story of the Hamilton's. But, I have grown and moved onto bigger and better things. 

I do hope that you understand that I will not be updating this any further. My time with this story has passed like the never ending ticking of time. I hope that what is left of this abandoned project brings you some amount of joy in the fleeting moments of this time.

This will be the last time I open up this story. This is the legacy I leave behind within the Hamilton fandom. Thank you for joining me on this path of growth. 

And goodbye.

To Live On the Edge (Theodosia X Philip)Where stories live. Discover now