Safe Once Again

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Warmth was all around Theodosia, which was odd. She was used to the cold, dark rooms she had been kept in before. She painfully opened her eyes and realized she was still by that welcoming fire she had been near the day before. She was going to get up when she realized something was restraining her. She looked at her chest to see a pair of arms wrapped around her. Theodosia's heart jumped out of her own chest, her face becoming redder than the blood she had spilled. She then took a moment to take in the situation. It was daylight but a warm fire was still going. She hadn't woken up to the cold hell she used to embrace every day. But the more shocking of all, someone was sleeping with her in their arms. Theodosia began to think hard, trying to remember whom had their arms draped around her.

"Theo, you awake?" A tired, groggy voice muttered softly. Suddenly, Theodosia remembered who it was. It was Alexander Hamilton's son, Philip.

She was too embarrassed to say anything so she nodded softly, looking down. She was oblivious to the cuts that were scattered amongst her face. All she had on her mind was how close she was to someone who had treated her kindly.

Philip was too tired to even care, nor would he care if he were fully awake. He had woken up hours earlier to his father's request.

"Philip, watch over Theodosia. I don't want anyone hurting her, nor do I want her hurting herself. I'm going to take action against Mr.Burr, to save Theodosia. If anyone comes knocking on the door, ignore it. Your mother and I will call your name, only then will you open the door, do you understand?" Alexander ordered, a stern look on his face. Philip nodded, he wanted to show his father he could be responsible.

Theodosia made no effort to move, she was comfortable for the first time in ages. She never wanted to move from his arms. Wait, no, she had to move, men were horrible creatures of this earth, he was only manipulating her! Or, maybe he's actually being nice. She was arguing with herself, fazing out.

"Theodosia?" A soft voice called out, cutting her from her own trance. She slightly jumped, turning to face Philip.

"Yes?" She replied softly, looking at him. Her face was still bruised but she looked better. Her curly hair was thrown about like an explosion caught in the moment, frozen in time. Her brown eyes looked into Philip's.

Philip has so much to say, he was frozen. He couldn't help but think how pretty she was. He swallowed all of the wonderful words he wanted to say and looked into her eyes, pushing away the small flutter in his heart. "What happened to you? Why would your father do this to you?" He asked softly. He then looked super worried, realizing how rude it must be to just randomly ask about that. "If you don't want to answer it's fine!" He covered, a bit embarrassed.

"N-No, it's fine." She said in a soft voice, reaching to his face. He smiled softly, feeling a bit better. She couldn't help but smile back, it was contagious. It was weird to shoe this emotion, it felt new and good. But, the smile dropped and she looked down at his chest. "My father was depressed," she explained, "He missed Mama. He said I reminded him too much of her and he hit me for the first time. I saw this look in his eyes, it was horrifying. It was some kind of flash of anger, yet happiness. He always said how mama would pay for leaving him, taking it out on me. And then your father only made things worse. He got even more angry, worse. He hit me harder, ranting and screaming. I wish that it wasn't me, but I'm glad it wasn't anyone else. He got drunk and left the house, I was so bloodied and broken he thought I was dead. He left me unchained. I ran for my life, to here." She said softly.

She realized that the storm was back, thundering and shocking her heart. Her tears rolled down her cheeks, going in a steady path, almost like the hits that came one by one.

Philip wiped away her tears, gently cupping her face and pulling it to his. He lied her forehead against his own, looking deep into Theodosia's eyes. Theodosia's breath was quivering almost as bad as herself. She was going through the pain, the memories. Philip began to hum the soft song he had started when she was asleep.

Theodosia stopped, her heart pausing as well as her mind. It was something so soft, so familiar. It was almost like from a memory. Her mother would sing to her, make her smile and laugh. Theodosia felt the happiness she had been longing for wash over her body.

She then put her small, rough hands on Philip's cheeks, mimicking him. She never knew the song, but it was easy to pick up on. She attempted to him with him, failing and eventually giving up. Philip let out a soft chuckle and smiled. "Your safe, Theo. Don't ever think about that horrible excuse for man again." Theodosia smiled back, for once feeling better about the whole thing.

Suddenly, a small dragon roared from in-between them. Or, really, Theodosia's stomach growled. Her face turned bright red and she hid her face in her hands. Philip couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh my, do you want me to make you some breakfast?" He said with a soft smile. Theodosia nodded, still embarrassed.

Philip gently moved her away from him as he stood up. He then went to leave the family room, to the kitchen. Before exiting the large room, he smiled at her and said with the same smug grin he and his father shared, "And don't hide that pretty face."

To Live On the Edge (Theodosia X Philip)Where stories live. Discover now