Revenge is Sweeter than Honey

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A/N: I cannot stop writing, it's so fun and I love just seeing my thoughts come to life into text, into a story. Also, I just put the song there because I freaking love it.

Screams filled the air, of terror and anger. Men held their families close as others held their guns up high. Hamilton was shouting as loud as he could over the crowd, spit flying from the sheer anger he was expressing. Eliza, she too was full of anger. She went to every towns woman she could find and told the story, horrifying them and only letting the gossip spread.

"Have you read this!? Aaron Burr, once a father now a demon! He abused his child and blamed her for his wife's death!" John Laurens shouted to his mates. Lafayette was only in town for a bit and God was he glad to be. "Zis' man should be killed!" He screamed, raising his musket. A crowd of men cheered, their angered voices filling the air. The town was in a riot. You would think something as small as this would be tolerated, but when you are in the public eye's view, your every move is judged. Most families stayed out of it, staying inside and not talking about it. But those who did care, were marching their way down to Burr's house.

Burr's eyes did not light up like the fire he had inside, it only showed the fear coursing throughout his whole body. He blocked the windows, the doors. He was shaking, ruined, dead. Done for, never going to be in power.

People were coming from all over the world just to see this fight, this outrage, this riot. Even Angelica made her way over, not to help Burr, but to side with her sister. The two women went to the main place for the riot, seeing men camping outside of Burr's home. The girls had come up with a plan.

"Mr.Burr, sir! Please let us in! The men won't stop harassing us, claiming they are you!" Angelica screamed, pounding on the door. Before she knew it the door swung open and they were pulled inside. Perfect.

"What are you doing here!? It is an all out riot! They claim I beat my daughter!" Burr examined, every last bit of his pride down the drain. Only then did the though hit him, the Hamilton's were the ones spreading this god awful truth. Burr's face paled, knowing just what he had walked into.

Eliza smacked Burr and growled at him. "How dare you abuse your own daughter!" She yelled. Burr held a hand to his cheek, horrified. Before he could protest Angelica opened the door for the mob, letting them in. Burr kicked, fighter, and screamed. He was powerless, one could even say, helpless. He looked at the two women who had fooled him one last time before being dragged to his doom.


The town watched in horror as his trial commenced. It was quiet, not a sound from the audience nor the jury. The facts were said, evidence shown. There was no point in the prosecutor to even fight, but only to make a deal. The trial went on for hours and hours, second by endless second. It felt like years to the man whom had lost every little thing he had. Burr's eyes never left Hamilton. It was all a blur to Burr. All he remembered was sitting there, his whole life indefensible to the horrible truth.

The verdict was published to the public as Burr was taken away. Guilty. He showed no emotion to the world surrounding him. His face was blank compared to the crowds. It seemed like he nullified the world around him, ignoring it completely. He held his head low, not wanting to show the shame practically drenching the man. An officer looked at him and told him to straighten up. He did not, he refused to believe that this was happening.

He was taken away without another word. Hamilton wore a satisfied look on his face, one of his arms around Eliza. Angelica was beside them, watching the man she once knew walk away. The crimes he committed followed him in his every step, the shadows lurking not far from his own two feet. The emptiness of emotion that he lacked, only filled by each small step. He never looked back, never said a word.

He thought not of Theodosia, either one of them. The thought of escape never crossed his mind. He accepted the fate that was lied to rest upon his shoulders. He felt empty, emotionless. He felt that the world was nothing but a sick illusion to stop you from thinking about death. He believed every single smile he had flashed was only hiding the pain behind the mask. He felt that every single fight he fought was for not. He felt that every single time he had waited for it, waiting for things to change was for nothing. In fact, he knew he would never see Theodosia again, and he was glad. He hated her, he knew she hated him. He hated Hamilton, and God did he know Hamilton hated him. But the only thing that plagued him was the thought of his wife. Was this her way of punishing him? Was her departure only to show how sick his mind was? Was the reason god took her away from him only to prove every single flaw he had!?

No. Because life doesn't discriminate between the sinners and the saints. God's will was that everything happened for a reason. Was this reason to give Theodosia a better life? No. Because God doesn't care if you pray every night or if you go for the bite. God makes us all pay. He makes every single man, woman, child, anyone on this earth pay. And why make them pay when one day they will die. When the day they will never seen the sun's shine, when the day they loose every single fiber in their being to just move. Why make them pay, when every man suffers from something in their life, no matter what. Why would god want to do that to someone, anyone in fact?

Because life doesn't discriminate between the sinners and the saints.

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