Coming Home

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As soon as Philip said those words he had left for the kitchen. Theodosia's face was bright red as she sat there, dumbfounded. Okay, maybe men were nicer than she thought. She couldn't help but let out a soft giggle at her own thoughts.

Philip's heart fluttered when he heart her soft giggle. "Oh my god is she cute." Philip said to himself as he entered the kitchen. He looked around for something to make, anything really. Unfortunately, there wasn't much. He finally found some berries and oatmeal. He them began to make a small breakfast for Theodosia.

Theodosia was alone again. She hated it. She wanted to just get up and run to someone, anyone, and never let go. Well, I think we all know who she would prefer to run too. But, on the other hand, she was sore. Her whole body ached and burned. The small cuts felt like small ants biting over and over again, stinging relentlessly. Theodosia tried to ignore the pain and think about something else.

She looked around the house and saw how well made it was. It was very clean, organized too. She saw a small painting of Philip, Alexander, and Eliza hanging on the wall. She smiled to herself and let out a soft sigh. Unfortunately, she began to think back to her, well, she didn't even know what to call it. Whatever it was it sure wasn't a family.

Before she could further depress herself Philip came out with the food. She looked over at him and smiled gratefully. "Thank you." She said softly, taking the food.

"No problem, sugar." He said with a confident smile, sitting next to her by the fire. Theodosia almost spit out a small blueberry she was eating. She was in pure shock. Philip noticed this and snickered, proud of the reaction he had gained. He then wrapped his arms around her, pulling her back to his warm embrace.

Theodosia's face was bright red as she was pulled closer. She wasn't about to object but she was flustered. She decided, maybe this time she would surprise Philip. So, she leaned back into the hug, only closing the gaps where their bodies were not touching. Theodosia glanced back to see Philip's face was dusted a bright red. She couldn't help but giggle at his reaction.

Philip rolled his eyes at her soft giggle and smirked. "Just eat your food." He said in a joking matter. Theodosia smiled and did as he told her, dig in. She hadn't eaten much at all so she was incredibly thin and small. Plus, she was hungry. She ate all of her food eventually and smiled softly.

"That was wonderful." She said to Philip, turning to him. She then placed the dishes down somewhere next to them to pick up later.

"Thank you, sweetheart. It means a lot to me." He said softly. He then watched Theodosia's face light up once again. He loved seeing the soft blush come to her face every time he flustered her. He loved just looking at her in fact.

Suddenly, a thought hit Philip. "Would you like something to change into?" He asked, motioning to her torn, dirty dress. Theodosia's face was red with embarrassment now.

"Why yes, actually. I would love that." She muttered softly. Philip then got up with Theodosia in his arms, carrying her bridal style. She let out a small squeak of surprise and held on tight to him.

"I'm not going to drop you." Philip teased, walking towards the spare closet. Theodosia just sighed and hid her face in her hands. Before she even knew it she was back in the ground. Philip had out her down to go through the closet. Eventually he had come across a nightgown his mother used to own. It was light blue, perfect fit for Theodosia.

"Here, the bathroom is down the hall to change in." Philip said with a soft smile, handing her the gown. She looked at it with a bright, happy expression. She slid off the blanket she was under and handed it to Philip.

"Thank you, I will be out in a minute." Theodosia said with a smile, heading to the bathroom. Philip smiled to himself, proud of himself for remembering the old gown. He then headed back into the family room and picked up Theodosia's dishes. He brought them into the kitchen and quickly washed them, heading back to the Family room.

Suddenly, he heard two voices calling out his name. He recognized those voices, his mother and father. He went to the door and opened it for them, letting them back inside. He looked at them and he could tell it was one hell of a fight.

"Ma, Pa, what happened?" He asked softly, as to not alert Theodosia. He was worried for what happened, whether it be good or bad news.

"Well, Theodosia got her justice. Burr is going to jail. She can head over to the house and claim what she wants." Alexander explained. Philip let out a relieved sigh and relaxed a bit.

"Oh and Philip," his mother's voice called out, "She is staying here." Eliza said with a soft grin. Philip could not even contain his enthusiasm. He let out a loud, "Yes!" And danced around in a circle. Little did he know Theodosia saw the whole thing.

Alexander was laughing, pointing at Theodosia. Philip froze and slowly turned to face her. Theodosia was trying her hardest not to join Alexander in the laughter.

"Oh shit." Philip said softly, a bit embarrassed. Eliza then smacked Philip upside the head, scolding him for using such foul language. Theodosia let out a soft giggle and walked over to the three.

"You look nice in that gown, Theodosia." Eliza commented with a bright smile. She looked over to Philip and gave him a look of approval, which she earned another small victory, "yes!".

"Thank you, Mrs.Hamilton." Theodosia said softly, a smile on her face. She was happy enough to be away from her father, but to live with the Hamilton's!? Could things get better!? Alexander and Philip took one look at each other in some father-son communication thing. Theodosia and Eliza looked at each other and shrugged.

"Oh and Theodosia and staying in your room, Philip."

To Live On the Edge (Theodosia X Philip)Where stories live. Discover now