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-Time skip to a couple weeks later-

Theodosia had gotten used to living in the Hamilton house and was pretty much apart of the family by now. Theodosia had started to venture outside of the house, enjoying the sun on her long, beautiful curls. She loved all of the rainbow flowers that blossomed during the spring. She picked the flowers and made a crown out of them. She put them on her head and walked inside. 

"Good morning Mrs.Hamilton!" Theodosia called out to Elisa, who was in the kitchen making breakfast.

"Good morning, Theodosia, how are you this morning?" She called back, sticking her head out of the kitchen. Theodosia held up a thumb and walked into her room. She looked down at the boy who was sleeping in. Philip was snoring, clutching onto his pillow.

"Wake up sleepy head!" She yelled, slapping him with another pillow. This had become routine due to the laziness of the boy. He jumped up, screaming out.

"Jesus! I'm up!" He said, his hair springing up around him. While Theodosia had already tamed her hair, Philip had not. He looked like an explosion that had just gone off. He was rubbing his eyes as he tried to get used to the sunlight pouring in. 

Theodosia giggled at his reaction. "It's almost breakfast. Also, you look so handsome." She teased. Philip stuck out his tongue and grabbed the pillow he was just clutching and covered up his eyes. 

"Five more minutes!" He cried. Theodosia rolled her eyes and went on her way. She knew he would get up, or at least she had hoped. She walked back to the kitchen, seeing Eliza starting to set the plates. 

"Do you need help?" Theodosia asked. Eliza hummed back a small response, double tasking. Theodosia grabbed the needed utensils and some napkins, setting them up at the table. She then helped Eliza put the food onto the plates, some eggs and bacon. 

"Breakfast, boys!" Eliza called out. Alexander came running to the table from his office. He wanted a break. Philip stomped out of his room, still a mess. 

"Philip Hamilton! Dress appropriately and tidy yourself!" Eliza called, an angry tone in her voice. Philip groaned and stomped back to his room. Small bangs and noises were heard from inside of the teen's room. He then stomped back out, dressed and his hair groomed. He slumped into the chair at the table and lazily looked at his mother.

"Better. Now, we can eat." Eliza said firmly. She wasn't going to have her son looking like a wild hog! Theodosia was giggling the whole time, thinking the situation was hilarious. Alexander wasn't as polite as Theodosia, he was laughing loudly.

They all sat down and began to eat, Philip still upset about having to leave his warm and welcoming bed. He was happy about the breakfast. He liked bacon. He could write a five-page essay about how much he liked bacon. Bacon is the absolute best. Baaaaaacoooooon.

Eliza was staring at her son. He was making weird faces as he internally worshiped the bacon. "Philip, are you okay?" She asked. He just hummed in reply, quietly eating the bacon that was sticking out of his mouth. Theodosia laughed once more, seeing her sleepy boy attempting to process his own thoughts. Alexander was just as happy, but not as sleepy. 

Alexander finished first, kissing Eliza on the head and muttering a quick thank you as he walked back to his office to write. Eliza finished next, grabbing her and his husbands plates to go wash them off. Theodosia was watching Philip, confused. "Philip, dear, maybe you should get some coffee." She offered. Philip slowly nodded, going after his eggs now.

Theodosia laughed it off and rolled her eyes, getting up from her seat to go grab him some coffee. She poured it into a mug, fixing it the way that he liked it. She walked back to the table and placed it in front of him. "thank you." He said, grabbing the mug and sipping the BURRning hot coffee. 

His eyes shot open as he jumped back. "HOT!" He yelped as he put the mug down. He stuck out his tongue as it was burned. "Owie" He cried.

Theodosia just laughed at him. "Well good morning, welcome to the land of the living." She said, grabbing her plate to clean it. Philip just pouted and quickly finished his food, running over to Theodosia. 

"Now that I'm awake, want to go out to the fountain?" He asked, washing his plate alongside Theodosia. The fountain was in the center of town. It was a little walk away, but that was more fun to Philp. Theodosia made a face, to over dramatize her thinking.

"Hmm, I don't know. Should we?" She said, looking over to Philip. He made a puppy dog face and pretty much begged her, repeating please over and over and over. "Fine!" She exclaimed. She laughed at him and brushed him off. 

"let's go get ready, come on!" Philip said, pretty much dragging Theodosia over to their shared room.


That's it for ths chapter! Next chapter will be about her going into public and such

To Live On the Edge (Theodosia X Philip)Where stories live. Discover now