chapter 2 ↝ aftermath

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Finn sighed and paced around the room. Sadie was nervously braiding and unravelling her hair. Gaten had gone to the bathroom. Caleb was rubbing his head, probably since the alcohol was making its way out of his system.

"Guys, what do we say?" Noah finally said. He emerged from outside. It was obvious he was worried.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I think it looks suspicious, how Millie disappeared," Noah continued, biting his lip. "It could look like we all ganged up on her. Especially since she's changed, and a lot of people can vouch for that."

"Shit, you're right," Gaten cursed. He had entered a couple moments ago.

"It gives us motive," Caleb added.

"You didn't kill her, right?" Sadie asked Noah.

Noah's eyes widened. "No, why would I do that? She's my friend. And besides, we don't know if she's dead. We only know she's missing."

Sadie nodded uncertainly, going back to her hair braiding.

"You don't understand," Noah started again, mistaking Sadie's uncertainty for incredulousness. He was growing angry that no one was believing him, except they did. Noah was just too tired and frustrated to see it. "She vanished into thin air. Just like a cliché."

"It's ironic," Caleb tiredly murmured. "How she loved her stupid mysteries."

"And now, we're here chasing after her on her own mystery," Gaten finished. He was somber which was a first. Gaten was never solemn. Even at a funeral, he couldn't ever be truly sad. He was just too happy to be sad, yet here he was, eyes cast downward and smile nowhere to be seen.

"Do you think she's safe?" Noah softly asked.

"I think the more important question is if she's still alive," Gaten answered.

"For a child abduction, I watched this news show thing, it said that if you get the child back within 24 hours, the child will be alive and okay," Finn said, meeting eyes with Sadie.

"It's just a statistic, and even so, it's been proven wrong," Caleb replied and sat up.

"We know what to say if we are questioned because we are going to be questioned. They're waiting for us," Sadie said, throwing her hair back in a bun.

"We woke up, Millie was gone, and we heard her scream," Finn seriously stated, shrugging his shoulders. "It's the truth. We leave out the drinking."

"What about me?" Noah asked. Sadie grabbed his hand, squeezing it for support. He gratefully smiled at her.

"You woke up with us," Caleb answered. "You didn't go outside."

"I don't-"

"Noah Schnapp, we'd like to talk to you first," a cop said, walking inside. "I'm Detective David Harbour, and I'll be heading this case." Noah nodded and pulled Sadie in for a hug. Finn noticed his lips move, and Sadie's grim expression grow less. She actually smiled. Noah exited with Detective Harbour.

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