chapter 18 ↝ carnival affairs

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Sadie rubbed her shoulders, walking into the carnival grounds. It was a week later after her mother had dropped the bomb of pregnancy, but it wasn't a gift. Children and babies were no longer joyous things to Sadie. Babies were supposed to be wonderful gifts, bestowed to everyone, whether they're lucky or unlucky, rich or poor, lonely or the socially loved.

Sadie felt nothing but pity for this baby. She felt so much pity that the child would grow up in such a terrible home, where its only source of love would be Sadie. Even then, it wouldn't be enough. There had to be a better quality of life for this child. She had to do what she had to do, knowing there would be negative consequences.

"Sadie?" A voice asked. Sadie stopped in front of him, blinking rapidly to focus on him.

"Romeo," Sadie relievedly said, reaching up to kiss his cheek. He wrapped his arm around her and hugged her, leaving her in a half-embrace.

"You okay?" He concernedly looked at her. Sadie attempted a reassuring and confident smile.

"Yeah, fine."

"What do you want to do since we didn't dress up?"

It was Halloween, and Lavender Ridge was holding its annual Spooky Frights Carnival. Sadie had forgone dressing up. Finn, Noah, Caleb, and Gaten had decided to go as the four Ghostbusters. Grace dressed up as a cat. Millie was her usual dramatic self, choosing to be 'A' from Pretty Little Liars. Despite not being able to go out, Millie still dressed up, giggling their protests away.

"I want to go on a ride," Sadie laughed, "and get some pictures."

"Anything for you, babe."

"So are we dating?" Sadie hesitantly asked. She touched her fingers together, avoiding eye contact. Romeo tilted her chin up to force her to meet his eyes.

"I'm okay with it if you are," Romeo replied truthfully.

"Let's try it. If it doesn't work, we can always be friends, but let's keep it quiet for now."


"Let's go get some pictures." Sadie pulled him into a photobooth and pressed some buttons. Their first pose was just smiling. Their second and third were funny poses. The fourth pose was them kissing.

The pictures printed, sliding into the slot. A hooded figure, waiting a few steps away, delicately plucked the pictures from their resting place and dashed away. Her hood never fell down.

Romeo and Sadie exited the booth. He wiped lipstick off of his lips, smudging the colour on his jacket sleeve. Sadie awkwardly adjusted her sleeves on her creamy yellow jacket.

"Hey, where are the pictures?" Sadie questioned, tapping the empty slot.

"It might just be broken."

"I suppose."

"Don't worry about it. No one is going to find out. We aren't even hiding it necessarily."

"Yeah, uh, we should find the group," Sadie said, changing the subject.

"Do you know where they are?"

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