Chapter 8

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A/N - I edited the last part about Jason. I wanted to create more depth to his character and slowly build chemistry between Sophie and him to create more competition for Mason. Hope you will still like it. Thank you for reading. 


Mason took deep breaths as he entered the classroom. He was so furious with Sophie that their basketball practice had not calmed him. He looked around and saw Chris and Yasmin seated together. He was a little bit confused since he didn't see Sophie.

"Hi Yas! Hi Chris! Where's Sophie?" He asked taking a seat beside Chris.

"Umm, she's not sitting with us today. She's sitting with Jason." Yasmin said looking pointedly at the other side of the room where Sophie and Jason are talking, their heads bent toward each other.

"I'm going to kill him!" Mason exclaimed, standing angrily and spilling his books on the floor. Everyone turned their heads and looked at him, surprised at his outburst.

"Geez, Mace. Shut up and sit down!" Yasmin whispered frantically, pulling Mason down and picking up his books.

Sophie glanced at them and looked guiltily at Mason's eyes. Her hands began to sweat at the blazing fury in his eyes then she glared back at him. She remembered that she was also angry at him for saying yes to Marissa. One would think that sparks are about to fly with the way they are staring at each other.

"Are you ok Sophie?" Jason asked, breaking Sophie's gaze.

"Yes, I'm fine!" she replied, snapping at him.

"Ouch, Sophie. Why are you angry at me?" Jason said raising his hands in a placating manner.

"Oh, sorry. It's just that Mason is so irritating." she replied apologizing to him.

"Well, to be honest, I think he's also furious with me." he replied, amused at the turn of the events.

"Don't mind him. He's just being obtuse!" she replied then her eyes widened when she saw Mason approach them.

"Jason, can I talk to you for a moment?" he asked stiffly.

"Why do you want to talk to him?" Sophie asked, surprised.

"None of your business. I'm still angry with you so can you just keep your pretty mouth shut for a moment and where the hell are your glasses? Are you wearing make-up?!" Mason replied angrily. He was so annoyed when he saw that she dressed up for Jason.

"Shut up. I'm wearing contacts!" Sophie replied, irately.

"Ok, ok! No need for a cat fight kids! I'm going with Mason." Jason replied, smirking at them then stood up and followed Mason at the corridor.

Upon reaching the hallway, Mason stopped and stared at Jason.

"Is this a game for you?" he said, annoyed.

"What do you mean Mason?" Jason asked innocently.

"I mean why are you flirting with Sophie! Is she your new conquest? Is that clear enough for you?" Mason replied sarcastically.

"Look, Sophie asked me to the prom. I really like her and I don't understand why you are so angry with that? You're not her father nor even her brother! She's eighteen for God's sake! She can make her own decision on who she wants to go out with." Jason replied defensively.

"Listen here Jason, if I hear that you have mistreated her in any way, I will kill you! Sophie is naive so don't go play your games with her. Don't ever treat her the way you treat your stupid bimbos." Mason said threateningly and stalked back to the classroom leaving Jason befuddled.

"You're right Mason, Sophie is different." Jason said to no one in particular. Remembering the shy way Sophie asked him to the prom or the way she was kind to everyone. She was very smart, simple, wholesome and didn't engage in gossip.

She might be a genius but she took time in tutoring anyone who needed help. He smiled at the way he pretended to not understand her when he asked for help in Algebra. She looked so cute, scrunching her nose and thinking of ways to explain the subject easier. To be honest, he didn't need to be tutored. He was just pretending to get to know her.

He might not be as smart as Sophie but his parents were molecular biologists and he had photographic memory. He did not want anyone to know since people might think he was a freak but it was quite frustrating to not be able to converse intelligently with anyone. He knew people think he was a playboy, oh hell, he was a playboy but his dates were usually so boring. Their thoughts were usually on the latest fashion or movie star or worse, they engaged in gossip. They were usually just gifted physically and he was getting tired of them easily. Beauty was really skin deep.

He had not approached Sophie before since Mason had been guarding her so he was surprised that Sophie called him and asked to be her date at the prom. He was also surprised when he heard that Mason would be going with Marissa who was far too easy. He used to date her and he got bored after a week. If Mason could not appreciate Sophie then he will take her away from him. He walked back at the classroom and sat silently down beside Sophie smiling at her brilliantly as the class started.


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