Chapter 16

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Mason eyes narrowed at scene in front of him. His heart was pounding furiously. He was so worried when he saw Sophie running away from them that he had almost dragged Marissa from the restaurant and barely had time to drop her. He was calling Sophie frantically but to no avail and so he decided to go to their house. He sighed in relief when he saw Jason's car and got out to talk to her. They were laughing and it hurts to see her that way with another man. His body stiffened and he was clenching his fists when he saw Sophie throw her arms around Jason that he had to stop himself from opening the door and pulling Sophie away.

"Uh oh, Mason doesn't seem to be too happy." Jason said when he saw Mason waiting outside. He was a bit taken aback at the murderous look he was throwing at him.

Sophie glanced outside and saw Mason's eyes darkening. This was the first time she saw Mason truly angry. They had played pranks against each other but he was never this angry. He was clenching his fists and his whole body taut ready to pounce. The last time this happened was when she was cornered by Zio, the class bully and was asking for her allowance in fifth grade. It had taken 5 classmates to pull Mason away from him. She had to drag Mason and had to skip class. He was so scary but was so sweet when he was checking if she was hurt. They decided to go get ice cream and had to tutor Mason due to the missed classes.

"Jason, I think you should leave. I'll handle Mason." Sophie said knowing that if Jason stayed there would be a fight.

"I can handle myself. In fact, I don't get it why he's so angry. We didn't even do anything."

"Jason, please just go. Please, for me." Sophie pleaded frantically. She knew that Mason is itching for a fight and Jason would probably give it to him.

"Ok, Sophie. If that's what you want. Let me just help you out." Jason got out of the car to open Sophie's door but Mason beat him to it.

"Get out!" Mason said gritting his teeth and trying to contain his temper.

Sophie was taken aback by his anger, so much so that she visibly shrank back. This was the first time that Mason was truly angry with her but then it dawned on her that she was also angry with him and set her chin mutinously, glaring at him.

"Don't talk to her in that tone!" Jason said, his temper also flaring at Mason's tone.

Mason's head snapped in his direction, brown eyes glittering, "Shut the f*ck up!" he shouted angrily, clenching his fists. Sophie grew alarmed at the fight that was brewing between the two of them and hastily got out of the car and stood between Jason and Mason.

"Jason was leaving." Sophie said, grasping Mason's hands trying to calm him and looked at Jason with pleading eyes.

"Are you sure Sophie? Are you all right now?" Jason asked, still concerned seeing the anger emanating from Mason.

"Yes." she replied knowing that Mason will never hurt her. He had never hurt even when they were kids and had teased him mercilessly.

Jason nodded and walked stiffly at the car not glancing at Mason, knowing that he wouldn't be able to stop himself from punching him with the way he was treating Sophie. He slowly backed the car and drove away. Mason was still breathing heavily as he watched Jason leave. He knew that he was feeling irrational but it was killing him seeing Sophie interested in anyone. It felt wrong and his gut was clenching at the thought of anyone touching her.

"What are we doing?" Sophie whispered and looked at Mason, her eyes darkening in confusion.

"What do you mean?" Mason asked, mirroring her expression.

"I mean, what is this Mace?" she asked pointing her fingers to both of them. "Why are so angry at Jason?"

"What are you saying?" Mason asked slowly.

"I don't get it. You're dating Marissa but why are you so angry when I go out with Jason? Do you like me?" she asked him looking at him imploringly, trying to look into his soul. Praying that he would say what she was hoping for. That somehow, he had also realized that he loved her as much as she loves him. She didn't want to play games anymore. She didn't want to pretend to be Jason's girl just to get Mason jealous. She wanted Mason to love her.

Mason's heart thudded somehow knowing how important this moment was but he was so confused with his emotions and had always been defensive when it comes to Sophie that he unknowingly shook his head and answered, "Of course not!"

Sophie's heart plummeted and she felt as though she was hurt to the depths of her soul. Her face paled. His words were so biting that it felt like her heart was wrenched out from her chest.

"In that case, I don't see any reason why we should be angry with whom we're going out with." she replied but the coolness of her voice didn't mask the aching hurt. "I'm tired and I'm going inside."

Mason reached out for her hand, trying to stop her. "Please don't." Sophie said achingly, pulling her hand back and turned her back, walking towards their house. She opened the door without glancing back and closed it firmly serving as a barrier between the two of them.


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