Chapter 23

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Mason blinked at the bright light escaping from the windows. He was confused at the unfamiliarity of the room. He moved to his side and was distracted at the sight of a body next to him. Unable to comprehend the situation, he confusedly looked at the body that was turning toward him.

"Hello Mason." the woman said looking at him seductively.

"What the hell!!?" he asked, eyes widening  in surprise as he saw Marissa smiling at him. His head was pounding and he felt as though it was being torn apart. "Shit, how much did I drink last night!" 

"Oh Mason, are you all right? Don't you remember last night?" Marissa said lowering her voice and moving towards him.

"What the hell are you talking about!" He jumped from the bed. Not minding the pounding in his head. His last recollection last night was getting sick at the dance floor. It was mortifying and he was embarrassed at what happened. He will have to apologize to Chris later and pay for cleaning his mess. 

"G is going to kill me!" His thoughts darkening as he started recalling what happened last night. He vaguely remembered fighting with Jason and Sophie's hurt expression. "Oh God!" he groaned. He started recalling what he said to Sophie and he felt sick and disgusted with himself. Sophie must hate him by now and he was panicking. He needed to go to her and apologize. It was one thing to play pranks on Sophie when they were kids but hurting her like that was killing him. 

"What the hell did he do?" He thought looking at Marissa who is definitely naked with him in a room he is unfamiliar with. He glanced around and saw his clothes lying around. He immediately picked up his pants with every intention of leaving and going to Sophie's place. He will grovel if he needs to. 

"Mason, don't leave. Come join me in bed. It's still early." Marissa beckoned. She let the blanket slip, showing her cleavage.

Mason turned into her direction in distaste intending to ask her to cover herself and ask her what exactly happened when the door creaked open.

"Mace, are you there?" Sophie pushed the door open and peered inside.

Mason looked at the door shocked, his heart constricting and pounding in alarm. Oh God, Oh God, this is not happening. He was panicking and he felt like his world was about to collapse. He could feel the rapid beating of his heart in time with the creaking of the door. Everything seemed to slow down as he saw Sophie's hands and finally her head peering at the doorway.

Sophie knew it was pathetic but she was so worried last night when she saw Mason getting sick. It had taken all her pride and Jason's insistence not to go to Mason and help him. However, she had tossed and turned last night and was not able to sleep. She finally convinced herself that she will just check on Mason and leave when she saw that he was okay. One of Chris' maid had opened the door and told her that everyone was still asleep but pointed her to where Mason slept. Sighing, she opened the door then looked at the bed, shocked to see a naked woman sprawled seductively in the bed.

"Oh, I'm so sorry I was just looking for Mace." she explained, suddenly embarrassed. The maid obviously made a mistake. The woman's back was turned away from her so she didn't see who it was. 

"No need apologize Sophie. Mason is here. He was with me the whole night" Marissa said smiling meaningfully.

Shocked, Sophie turned her gaze on the other side of the room. Her eyes widened as she saw Mason holding his pants. Sophie stared uncomprehendingly at Mason then at Marissa unable to grasped the situation. Her head was looking at them back and forth trying to understand what is happening. Her heart was suddenly pounding loudly, trying to deny what was in front of her. Then it slowly dawned on her looking at their state of undress. She felt like she was punched in the guts and her breath was knocked out of her. 

How could she be so stupid. Here, she was worried about Mason despite his hurtful words last night when it was so obvious that he must have been having a good time. How pathetic could she be. 

Mason looked at her helplessly knowing how damning it looks like. Not even sure what happened. He was looking at Sophie pleadingly.

"G, this is not what it seems." He said desperately.

"What the hell?! What is this Mace?!" Sophie choked unable to believe what she saw. Trying to understand what is happening, her heart constricting and she couldn't breathe.

"I was drunk, G. You saw how sick I was last night. I didn't know what happened. Please G." He said beseechingly, begging her.

"That's not what it looked like last night Mace. You enjoyed every bit of it." Marissa said huskily.

"Damn you Mace! To think I was so worried the whole night despite of what you said and was here first thing in the morning searching for you! Oh God!" Sophie said crying and slamming the door as she ran outside.

"Glad she's gone Mace. We can continue what we started last night." Marissa said licking her lips and looking at Mason seductively using her feminine wiles in full.

"Shut up!" Mason said furiously, his eyes blazing in anger. "And don't call me Mace. Nobody calls me Mace except G."

Mason hurriedly put on his pants and grabbed his shirt and shoes and ran barefoot after Sophie. He saw her running outside at her car and he had to speed up to catch up with her.

"G please." Mason pleaded, holding her car door. He had no intention of letting her leave without explaining.

"Don't touch me you bastard! I'm through with this drama! I don't even know why I care but this ends here! I don't want to ever see you again! I hate you!" she shouted, crying her heart out. Her sobs filling the air. Mason pulled her out of the car, and hugged her, unable to bear her tears. Rubbing her back and giving comfort. He held her tight, pressing his lips to her smooth hair. He could do nothing but hold her until the tempest subsided. He felt her crying increase, her body wracked with sobs, as she clutched him.

And then he knew.

He knew that he had fallen in love with Sophie. His mind snapped back when they were kids, the way he had teased her and the way she had teased him back but she had always understood him.  They had been together even when they were kids and just the thought of not seeing her is killing him. She had always taken care of him and he had taken care of her. And now, he was suddenly afraid that it would be too late. He can't lose her. Not to Jason nor to Marissa. Sophie was his and he was hers.

Minutes passed before her sobs subsided into whimpers then disappeared entirely. Another few minutes passed before she finally lifted her head and looked into his. "I'm ok. Let me go Mace. I'm tired of this."  

Mason's heart thudded at her bleak expression. "I can't G."

"You can't? What do you mean, you can't?" she asked.

"I can't let you go." he replied, looking into her eyes. "I love you."

Sophie's snapped into his. Her eyes widened at his confession. "Don't you dare tell me that! Not after everything Mace. Jesus, you love me but you slept with Marissa?! Don't you even know how twisted that is?"

"Please G. Let me explain. I am so sorry for last night. I know I was a dick but I swear I don't even remember being with her. Let me make it up to you. Just please give me a chance. I am begging you." he pleaded. 

"It's too late Mace. It doesn't matter if you don't remember. What matters was that you were with her after all your hurtful words last night. It hurts so much Mace." she replied, clutching her chest in emphasis while trying to stop the onslaught of tears. "Just, don't talk to me, not right now. I have to go." she said, going back to her car and closing the door. Mason stared at her helplessly, suddenly scared to death as he saw her driving away.


Thank you everyone for all your votes and comments. These have inspired me  to write another chapter. However, I'll be leaving for NY on Wed so I can't promise another update. 

I also apologize for any grammatical error. :)

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