Chapter 31: Prom 5

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I'm sorry for the long update. I can't believe it's been a year since I started writing this. 

How's your vacation everyone? We went to Toronto last Dec and it was freezing especially for someone from a tropical country. I hope everyone had a great vacation.

I apologize in advance for any grammatical error. I had no time to double check and wrote this during break time. Please remember to vote and comment. :)


Sophie looked at Mason intently, then she took the bouquet and held his hands. "Let's go outside and talk." she said, standing up while Mason followed her outside. They went out of the ballroom and into the hotel garden where they sat on a bench. Sophie looked at Mason and smiled sadly at him.

"I love what you did Mace but I'm not sure that what you feel is real. It was only a few days ago when you went out with Marissa and now you're saying you love me. It just doesn't feel real. We've been together for so long and I'm not even sure that what you're feeling is real or just a result of us being apart for the first time or just an off shoot of your jealousy?" she stated looking at him seriously.

Mason blanched and he looked crestfallen at her statement. "That's not true G. These past few days have been hell. I knew I acted like an ass and I am so sorry. Yes, we've been together for so long and I am too stupid to have realized too late what you mean to me. I know I have hurt your feelings time and time again. I don't deserve you but I promise I'll work on that, just please give me a chance. Please give us a chance. Please tell me what to do. I would do anything to earn your forgiveness."

"I want to forgive you Mace. I really do but there's a part of me that's scared – scared that this might not be real, scared that we will just end up hurting each other, scared that our personalities don't match and that we'll end up hating each other. We always end up fighting and it's not healthy for both of us."

"I'm scared too G but I'm more scared of losing you. Please, tell me what to do. I can't move on without you. I can barely function if you're not there. I just can't lose you. Please tell me you'll give me chance." Mason implored, his voice trembling.

"I want to Mace. God, how I want to but I don't think we're not ready. Can't you see how different we are? I don't know Mace. I'm so confused. Can you give me time?"

Mason looked at Sophie and winced in sorrow when he saw the tears she was trying not to shed. "I'm sorry G. If you can only know how sorry I am for all the things I've done to hurt you. I would undo it if I could. I guess it's only fair that you would think twice in giving me a chance. I just know in my heart that we belong together. If you could only see how I feel. You're the only girl for me. I'll give you time if that's what you want but know that I LOVE YOU. I have loved you since we were kids. You're the only girl who can infuriate and annoy me to death but you're also the only one who gives meaning to everything I do. I just hope you remember that. If you could only see inside my heart, know that there is only you inside." He looked at her one last time and pulled her for a hug, loving the smell of her perfume and the way they fit perfectly together. He placed a kiss on her forehead and left dejectedly.

Sophie, looked at her retreating back and wanted to run after him but she was scared that this might not be the right time. The tears she was fighting to control, rolled down her cheeks and she cried, hugging herself. She was torn between giving Mason a chance and staying with Jason. Being with Mason scared her while Jason made her feel safe but she didn't know if she could ever survive if she lets Mason go.

Jason was shocked when she saw Sophie bent over, crying as if her heart was broken. It was painful to see her like this. He went to her and embraced her and let the torrent of her tears soak through his shirt. He ran her fingers through her hair and back in an attempt to calm her down. He took out his handkerchief and gave it to her when she finally calmed down.

"Hey, I'm sorry. I ruined your shirt." she said, embarrassed at what happened.

"That's ok. Do you want to talk about it?" Jason said, his eyes narrowed in concern.

"I'm sorry. I just had a talk with Mace. Do you mind if we go home now?"

Jason frowned at that, "Ok Sophie. I'll bring you home but before we leave I just want you to know that I like you a lot. It hurts me to see you like this every time you're with him. You deserve to be happy Sophie and I will make you happy. I promise." he said, holding her chin and tilting her head to look into her eyes.

Sophie looked at him and realized that he meant it. She knew that being with Jason is like being with herself. He understands her and she understood him. They are so uncannily similar that she sometimes knew what he was thinking even without him voicing it. Being with him will be safe and familiar unlike Mason who disrupts everything and turns her emotions upside down. But is being safe and familiar what she wanted?


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