A Smile Like That (Part 1)

517 38 16


TW: Cutting


Mika's POV


I stared down at the droplets of blood that left my slit wrists, hitting the sink with a dripping sound that oddly comforted me.

Today wasn't a good day.

Today was a stressful day.

I knew this was never the way to go about things, but until I find an alternative solution. This is how I handled feelings like this.

"Mikaela my sweet child, I'm home!" My adoptive parent exclaimed as she burst through the front door.

I cleaned the sink and myself up as quickly as possible.

"Come downstairs and greet your mother!" She yelled.

I rolled down my sleeves in order to cover my recent activity, to the dismay of my irritated wound, and rushed down the stairs, into her open arms.

Her pink hair was up in high pigtails that made it so that even though she was a lot shorter than me, I was still tickled by stray strands of hair.

"How was school today, sweetie?" She asked.

"Same as always," I shrugged.

"Those bullies still bothering you?"

"Not anymore," I shook my head. I lied. I didn't want her to worry about me more than she already did, so every time she asks me this question I respond with the same lie. And she seems to believe it.

"Well I'm gonna go make dinner then, I'll call you down when it's ready,"

I smiled softly at her. "Love you!" I yelled as I went up the stairs.

"Love you too!" She yelled back

I went into my room and locked the door before standing before the mirror and rolling up my sleeves, assessing the damage I'd done this time.

I bit my lip.

I don't deserve someone like her in my life...


I pause. A memory flashes inside of my head, the boy from before. I see his smiling face, his beautiful features.

I don't deserve to be given a smile like that...

A/N: So this was a really short one! Sorry! Just idk thought this was a good way to explain how Mika's mind works for reference in the future!

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