An Outing: For Friends and Feelings

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Yuu's POV:

"Yuu-kun! Over here!" Yoichi waved. Him and Kimizuki stood cautionary few feet away from Shinoa and Mitsuba who were arguing in front of the entrance to the mall.

I rolled my eyes and walked towards them. Hopefully they don't become some on again off again couple because of their constant disagreements.

Mika walked closely behind me, looking down at the ground to avoid making eye contact with any of them.

I looked back at him and nudged him lightly, silently cursing my friends for their not so good first impression of arguing in front of him.

He looked up at me, he looked vulnerable and confused.

To this I gave a reassuring smile, which he responded with a half hearted smile and simple nod back.

For someone who's good with costumers he is surprisingly a bit socially awkward.

"Everyone meet Mikaela or Mika for short," I put my hand on his shoulder and beam at all of them.

Mika waved, trying his best to keep his gaze up at them. "Hello,"

Mitsuba and Shinoa stopped arguing to look over at us.

"Jesus Christ Yuu how did you manage to get an absolute 10 like that?" Shinoa teased.

"Wh-what do you mean?" I blushed.

Mitsuba shoved her playfully. "It's nice to meet you Mikaela, my name is Mitsuba and this is my girlfriend Shinoa," she motioned to herself and Shinoa.

Mika waved, cheeks still dusted with a faint blush.

"Hello Mikaela-kun," Yoichi smiled. "My name is Yoichi,"

"Nice to meet you Mikaela-san, my name is Kimizuki,"

Mika rubbed his arm. "Yes and it's nice to meet you all, ah Yuu has told me stories about you guys,"

"Oh really? Well this little shit hasn't told us much about you, so why don't we get to know you more ourselves," Shinoa winked.

Mika chuckled. "Sounds good to me,"


After what felt like hours we finally got Mitsuba and Shinoa to agree with each other, for once, to go and eat a family restaurant only a couple blocks down from the mall.

"So Mikaela, you work in the flower shop across the street from us right?" Shinoa asked as soon as we were all seated, already playing with a salt packet which was starting to annoy Mitsuba.

Mika nodded and pursed his lips in response.

"I'm so sorry you have to deal with that old hag," Shinoa shook her head sadly.

Mitsuba elbowed her side lightly. "It's not nice to call people that,"

"I don't think calling people hags matters if they deserve to be called it,"  Shinoa put her elbow on the table and rested her head on her hand, pouting.

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