A New Set Of Feelings

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Mika's POV:

Yuu suggested going to a nearby coffee shop. I guess working in one makes you knowledgable on the other "competition". And, while ignoring my protests, paid for my drink too.

This boy that sat across from me, with bright emerald eyes and messy black hair that fell messily front of them in the most adorable way possible. Helped me start believing that maybe all the things in the past were leading up to these moments. And if so, I don't think I'd want to change a thing about my past.

We'd been sitting in comfortable silence for a little while, sipping our drinks and looking around the shop, until Yuu was the one who broke the silence.

"Do you feel okay to talk now?" He asked, unsure and softly.

"Of course," I gave a hint of a smile.

He sat up and his emerald eyes pierced into my own. "How long have you been feeling this way?" 

I averted my gaze from his concerned eyes to the floor. "A while I guess...really I've wanted to even when I was younger too...it's just always been a thought at the back of my head, you know?" I shrugged.

He nodded and gave me an understanding look. "If you don't want to talk about it anymore, I won't force you to,"

I shook my head. "It's okay, I've actually wanted to talk to someone about this for a while now,"

He nodded again "Go ahead, I'll listen," He gave a slight tilted smile.

I took a deep breath in and out. "See when I was younger, my parents abused me. They took drugs and it was this whole awful mess. Then one day they threw me out of a moving car and I was found by some lady and bought to an orphanage. It really screwed me up and I guess that's why the thought of ending my life always stayed as an option in the back of my mind. But you know it didn't always used to be like that...before it went downhill my mom and I used to be close, see we planted carnations together in the garden. I have nice memories of that, it reminds me of the innocent and happy days. You'd probably expect me to be disgusted by the flower now but surprisingly...I'm not. It's my favorite flower actually,"

Yuu didn't say anything instead he stared at me with a tilted head like a puppy and gave a nod.

"Getting off topic but yeah I guess that's my life's story and the reason why I'm kind of messed up now," I shrugged.

"Right, I'm sorry that all of that happened to you,"

"It's not your fault," I gave a slight smile.

"Well I'm sorry for not being able to do anything then to help,"

"But you're doing something now,"

"I guess..."

"Thank you,"

"You don't have to thank me,"

"But I do," I shook my head "You've given me these new sets of feelings that make me want to live,"

"I'm glad," He smiled softly.

"I'm glad too," I returned the smile.

"So what's your tragic backstory?" I asked with a hint of humor, attempting to make light of the conversation.

He chuckled softly. "Well when I was little my mom would always rant and rave about how I was demon spawn and my dad tried to kill me. I was sent to an orphanage too but I got adopted a few years later by a man named Guren Ichinose. He took me in and now I work in the coffee shop he owns,"

"He's the one with the dark hair that's always angry right?"

"Yup, that's Guren for you," He chuckled "You got adopted too right? Is it that lady who you work with in the flower shop,"

"No," I shook my head. "That's my boss, Miss Ren. I did get adopted though, her name is Krul and even though she's older than I am she's still very short and young looking. She's also really scary when she gets mad," I smiled.

"Good to know we both have parents with bad tempers," He laughed. "So how did you end up working at the flower shop?"

"Well one day in the summer, I was looking for a job so I could save up to go on trips and buy things. I couldn't find a place, I either didn't get accepted or the place just didn't seem right, until Krul showed me an ad she's found for a flower shop in town that needed new employees. I thought back to how much I'd loved gardening and flowers when I was little and it seemed like the perfect job. And so far it has been," I explained

"That sounds wonderful," He gave a bright smile, that all of the sudden made my chest feel heavier.

"Yeah it is," I nodded "Do you enjoy working at the coffee shop?"

"Of course, I mean Guren can be a bit pushy and strict but I still love him. I also love making the designs on lattes and enjoy spending time with my co-workers, even though they can be a bit annoying at times," His eyes lit up a bit at an idea that popped into his head. "I should introduce you to them some time! I bet you'd like them and they'd like you,"

"I would love to meet them,"

This boy sitting right across from me, with sparkling emerald eyes and the brightest smile I'd ever seen, made me feel as if all the hardships and bumps in the road have been leading up to moments like these. And I was willing to live for more moments like these .


We ended up talking and laughing, visiting other shops, spending time together that made us both forget about what had happened earlier and any other awful thought we'd had in the past.

"Mika?" Yuu looked over at me, his delicate skin illuminated by both moonlight and streetlights.

"Yes?" I glanced over at him.

"I feel like you've given me a new set of feelings too,"

A light blush spread across my face. "I'm glad,"

A/N: I hope you enjoyed the chapter and thank you so much for reading it!

P.S Feel free to correct any mistakes I may have made or anything you think I should do differently.

Have a lovely day (or night in my case) everyone!

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