13 (ii)

834 35 19

7-14-16, 2:21 am

on call: 2:46:09

"aren't you sleepy, george?" y/n said.

"no," george said in a deeper voice, obviously tired.

"it's okay to sleep," they offered.

"i don't wanna," he groaned, "hey, don't you wanna talk to me?"

"of course i wanna talk to you," y/n said after yawning.

"hmm," george hummed, "_____?"

"yes, george?"

"please, sing to me," he pleaded.

"but i—"

"please, sing me to sleep," he pleaded once more.

"you, sir, are so irresistible," y/n chuckled.

"i know," george laughed.

y/n took a deep breath and quietly sighed, "here we go."

letting go, letting go
telling you things you already know
i explode, i explode
asking you where you want us to go
you've been riding two-wheelers all your life
it's not like i'm asking to be your wife
i wanna make you mine, but that's hard to say
is this coming off in a cheesy way?

y/n stopped singing and buried their face in their pillow, "oh god i suck at this end me"

"continue, please," george suddenly spoke, "i love your singing voice, _____."

love everything you do
when you call me fucking dumb for the stupid shit i do
wanna ride my bike with you
fully undressed,
no training wheels left for you
i'll pull them off for you..

"george?" y/n quietly asked.

"hmmm," he hummed lazily.

"are you falling asleep?"

"yes," george mumbled, "thank you so much, ____. i enjoyed that..."

"anytime," y/n said as they closed their eyes, "good night, georgie."

"good night babe, thank you.." he trailed off.


little did y/n know, that was the first time george slept peacefully in weeks that he couldn't thank y/n enough.

"this person's a blessing," george thought to himself before completely falling asleep.

on the other hand, y/n felt two things, blissfulness and uncertainty. they missed these late night calls and all that, but they don't wanna get used to this.

"i don't wanna get hurt again," y/n thought to themselves, "i hope this ones different."

hey :) hope you don't get confused with the pronouns !!

---hey :) hope you don't get confused with the pronouns !! aND HOLY SHIT JOJI POSTED THIS MEME ON THE FILTHY FRANK TWITTER IM SO SHOOK Y'ALL

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btw not proofread

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