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y/n woke up sitting on one of the tall chairs in her kitchen, with a terrible headache. they squinted and tried to adjust their eyes to the brightness. they hated themselves for drinking a little too much last night.

"why am i such a sensitive little bitch," y/n thought, "fucking get yourself together"

y/n lazily walked towards the bathroom and quickly splashed cold water on their face. they opened the medicine cabinet, searched for ibuprofen and decided to take two. y/n closed their eyes shut and rubbed their temples, "what the heck made me drink that much..?" they whispered.


y/n snapped out their drowsiness and ran back to the kitchen to find their phone.

"i swear to god, if i drunk-texted him i'm gonna kill myself."

they found their phone on the table and quickly checked it. y/n smiled as she read what's on their phone's screen.

Text Message (5)
Missed Calls (9)

"he didn't block me, wow. and i did drunk text," y/n said, feeling really stupid, "i hate myself."

y/n typed in a reply.

7-15-16, 9:58 am

y/n: now i feel stupid

george: Hey :( don't be, it's my fault

george: I'm sorry. I really am

y/n: i'm so sorry for overthinking george

george: I understand _____

george: Can i call

y/n: i don't know..

george: Let me explain

y/n: about what? i already forgave you

george: No, i'll talk about something else

y/n: okay, okay

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