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I had everything all set up and planned. Tonight would be the perfect evening. Jade and I made arrangements for her to come straight here after visiting her sister. I had wine ready and a fancy dinner prepared. Now it's only a matter of time.

Seven o'clock. That's what we decided. At seven o'clock that door would open and in would walk my beautiful fiancée. We would laugh and talk and celebrate Valentine’s Day the proper way for once.

I've never been one to take the holiday seriously. Sure, I'd pick up a box of chocolates and a cheap card for the occasion, but I've never gone all out before like this. I really wanted to prove to Jade that this is real. I'm in it for the long run. Forever and always, just like I always tell her. Saying is one thing, but showing is another, and tonight I intend to do just that.

After all, we'd be married in a few months. I had to buckle down sometime.

As the clock on the stove struck six fifty, I dished out food onto each of our plates. She likes to be early to everything, so I anticipated her arrival to occur soon.

But as the minutes ticked by, the driveway remained empty.


Maybe there's traffic. It always can be hectic coming from her sister's house.

Probably just traffic.


hello! This is my new short story! :) It was originally a Louis Tomlinson fanfic, but I switched it to a regular short story so if you read it before, just know it's going to be different now. I hope you like it. It's inspired from a song, but I can't tell you which song for it will give away the ending! If you think you know, do not comment the name because it will spoil the ending for everyone else. :) Thank you! Enjoy x

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