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Ten minutes.

She was officially ten minutes late.

I'm not sure if anyone can understand how abnormal this was for her. Jade’s always on time. Always.

And for her to be late to our special Valentine’s Day dinner? Something definitely was not right.

I glanced out the window to see if she had pulled into the driveway yet, but I was sadly disappointed. She still hadn't arrived.

After ten more minutes passed, I began to worry. It wasn't just that small hint of concern anymore, but now it had been twenty full minutes, and I was officially worried. If she were to be this late, she at least would have called or texted me to let me know.

I checked my phone for the fiftieth time that evening and ran a hand through my hair in distress when I saw my inbox empty. I decided to call her just to confirm that everything was alright.

I felt as if the ringing would never end.

And then, "Hi! It's me, Jade, but I'm sure if you were trying to call me you already knew that! Umm...I guess just leave your name and number. I'll try to call you back. Or text you. I don't know. I guess you'll hear from me soon enough. This is getting weird. Bye."

The beep sounded and my stress level doubled.

"Hey babe," I spoke into the receiver. "Um, I hope you're alright. You haven't answered or called me or anything, and I'm getting kind of worried. Just let me know if you're okay. I hope you're safe. Love you. See you soon. Bye."

I hung up and slid my phone into my pocket, glancing outside once more. There was still no sign of her in the driveway.

Twenty minutes.

That's not normal.

Something had to be wrong.

I pulled my phone out again and dialed her sister's number. The one whose house she was coming from.

"Hello?" Heather answered, sounding as if nothing was wrong.

"Hey, it's Drew. Is Jade still at your house?" I asked, trying to mask the panic threaded within my voice.

"Ummm no? I thought she would've been home by now. She left a while ago."

My heartbeat quickened, and I was now in full panic mode.

"Drew? Is everything alright?" Heather questioned worriedly.

"," I rushed out. "No, Jade isn't home yet. She didn't answer my call, and I don't know what to do. I don't know where she is or if she's okay or-"

"Calm down," she told me. "Just take a deep breath and relax. I'm sure she's alright. I'll try to find out what's going on. I'll call you when I know something."

I choked out some words of agreement and we both hung up. I was not alright. Not in the slightest way possible. Jade could very well be in significant danger.

What could I possibly do?

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