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"Jade Simmons," I stated, my hands resting on the front desk. "I'm here to see Jade Simmons." 

The lady said something in response, but I hardly heard her. All I registered was "Follow me," so I did. It felt like my head was throbbing, but maybe that was only my heart racing. I couldn't differentiate one thing from another at this point. My mind was so clouded. 

We walked through hallway after hallway. A never ending maze. I wondered what was wrong with all the people we passed. Maybe he had cancer. Maybe she had a failing organ. Maybe a fatal disease. Maybe a simple infection. 

Or maybe they were hit by a car. 

Eventually, we reached the room of my beautiful fiancée. I took a deep breath and stepped inside, seeing her there on the bed. Her eyes were shut, and just the sight of her was enough for me to break into tears. At the foot of her bed stood her parents. Heather was there too, smiling at me sympathetically. 

"They said we could visit for a little while," Heather informed me. "We have to leave soon for them to run some more tests." 

I sat down by the side of Jade's bed. She turned her head and opened her eyes, smiling at me weakly. 

"Hey," I said, breaking into a smile of my own. She reached out and took my hand. 

"I'm sorry," she breathed. "I...ruined...our dinner." 

I shook my head, hardly believing these were the first words out of her mouth. 

"Don't be sorry. That doesn't matter. Just as long as you're okay." 

Her small smile widened, but faded just as quickly. "I don't know...if there's anything else...they can do." 

"What? What do you mean?" I asked, trying to hide the panic and stress in my voice. She gently squeezed my hand. 

"I'm sorry...I never got to...marry you..." 

I couldn't mask the tears at this point. "No...You will. I promise you will...You'll make it through this. I know you can." 

She shook her head slowly. She was giving up. I had that feeling again. Mind racing, heart pounding, head throbbing.

And then I thought of something. I got an idea. A silly, stupid idea that wouldn't solve any real problems. But maybe, I thought, maybe it would give her an ounce or two of hope. 

"Mr. and Mrs. Simmons," I requested, looking up at them. They both read curious expressions as I tried to get my thoughts in order. "Can...can we borrow your rings for just a moment?" 

"Why?" asked Jade's father as he slipped the little metal circle off his left hand. He handed it to me along with his wife's, and I thanked the both of them. 

"I need to marry your daughter." 

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