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The drive to the hospital was brutal. I couldn't focus on anything. I felt as though my mind was on an entirely different planet. It wasn't even really registering in my mind that Jade could very well die, yet, at the same time, I wasn't really thinking about anything else. I was just idle, on auto-pilot. Numb.

I guess you could say my mind was filled with our memories. I was thinking of everything we had. Everything we were. Everything we'd lose if something fatal actually took her away from me.

Our relationship wasn't very different from those of other couples. We didn't meet in some crazy way, nor did we have some drastic tragedy keeping us apart. We were regular. Just two people who fell in love. 

But to me it was so much more than that. She was so much more than that. She was my entire life. My reason to wake up. She was everything to me, and the possibility of never getting to hold her again, never getting to kiss her or see her smile, it was all too much for me to handle. 

Eventually, I pulled into the hospital parking lot. I got out and looked up at the big building knowing there were hundreds of sick patients inside. One of which would be my Jade. 

I walked in, passing an old couple on their way out. 

They reminded me of the couple I imagined Jade and I would one day become. 

As long as we got that chance. 

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