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Christmas time is always the greatest time of year. Lights on every street corner, family gatherings, hot chocolate by warm fires, and of course who could forget the giving and receiving of presents? It was all just simply wonderful, and I loved the hype that led up to the big day.

 "So I know we said no gifts this year," Jade said, pulling out a wrapped box from behind the tree. I smiled and groaned, pretending to be disappointed. She giggled and handed it to me. "I sort of cheated. You just wanted it so badly! I had to get it." 

 I smiled and ripped the paper open. Inside the box was a jersey of my favorite football team. 

 "Oh my gosh, you didn't have to do this," I told her, holding it up to see the player on the back. 

 "I wanted to," she shrugged, happy that I was happy. I smiled and kissed her. 

 "Thank you." 

 "Of course." 

 "See, I would be upset that you cheated," I told her, rising from my seat and taking a few steps toward her. She looked at me questioningly, but followed my lead anyway. "But...I sort of cheated too." 

 "You...did?" she asked, clearly having no idea where I was going with this. 


 She raised her eyebrows questioningly as I reached into my pocket and pulled out the box containing a small round object that cost way more than it really should. I took everything I knew and put it into action, leaning down on my one knee as her eyes went wide in surprise. 

 "Jade," I began. "I promise for as long as you love me, I will be the greatest husband you could ever ask for. I will love you forever. Through the good, the bad, the ugly...I'll be there through it all. Even when you're all old and wrinkly." She laughed with happy tears dotting her eyes as I continued. "Forever and always. You are the greatest thing that has ever walked into my life, and I don't want to waste any more time. So I must ask...will you marry me?"

 I hardly had to finish the question before she was nodding her head and wrapping me in a hug. 

 "Yes! Of course!" 

 I smiled and kissed her. Perfectly flawless.

 I slipped the little metal circle onto her left hand, and she actually looked too emotional for words. 

 "Well that certainly kicked my gift's ass," she muttered, sending me into a fit of laughter. 

 "As long as you're happy, it doesn't matter," I told her, leaving a big sloppy kiss on her cheek. She giggled and held up her hand, admiring the ring. 

 "You're amazing." 

 "You're amazinger." 

 "That's not a word." 

 "Too late. I already used it," I teased. She smiled and slapped my arm. 

 "You're such a child." 

 "But you love me anyway." 

 "Yeah," she said, as if thinking this over. "I do." 

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